(2011/06/17 2:29), Keith Addison posted:
> http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12772
> Are We on the Brink of Burying Nuke Power Forever? Let Us Hope So
> Wed, 06/15/2011
>   From well-reasoned fear, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Israel
> and other critical players have announced they will build no more
> reactors.  Some will start shutting the ones they have.
That's not the case in Japan, I'm afraid.

Even after that disaster - or even when it has been getting worse, Japan 
is still trying to restart its suspended reactors.
If we let this Genkai reactor to restart in a coming month or two - then 
nuclear power is going to be "business as usual", I'm afraid.

On the other hand, IF Japan prohibits restarting of any reactors from 
now on - all the nuclear power plants in Japan will be stopped in 1.5 
years, I heard.

Would you put pressure from outside to never let Japan to restart any of 
its nuclear reactors?

If we could kill the Japanese nuclear industry, that can give a massive 
damage to the world nuclear, as Japan has long been at the core of the 
reactor industry, as the article says.

Many thanks and best wishes,

Midori in Kyoto

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Saga town may be first to see reactor restart
SAGA — The town of Genkai in Saga Prefecture plans to agree by early 
July to restart the Genkai nuclear plant's two reactors that have been 
suspended for checkups, becoming the first municipality to give such a 
go-ahead amid the ongoing nuclear crisis.

While it is not legally required, Kyushu Electric Power Co. makes it a 
rule to obtain approval from municipal and prefectural governments 
before restarting reactors after regular inspections. The consent by 
Genkai will put the onus on Saga Gov. Yasushi Furukawa, who has 
expressed qualms about restarting the reactors.

Restarting the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors was postponed amid the nuclear 
accident at the Fukushima No. 1 plant.

Genkai intends to summon Kyushu Electric officials around July 1 so the 
mayor can hand them conditions for restarting the reactors, including 
taking steps to guard against tsunami.

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