Sunday, July 3, 2011


Antinuke stance within establishment slowly gathers steam


In May, Wakamono Manifest Sakutei Iinkai, a policy research group 
dedicated to issues relevant to people under 40, posted results of a 
survey in which members were asked who they wanted to lead Japan. 
There was no consensus, but the individual who received the most 
votes was Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Taro Kono, followed by 
Osaka Governor Toru Hashimoto and "no one."

Kono, the son of former foreign minister Yohei Kono, is often 
referred to as an LDP heretic because of his opposition to Japan's 
nuclear energy policy, which predated the March 11 disaster. In a 
recent interview with Reuters, he said he would form an alliance with 
like-minded politicians in both the LDP and the ruling Democratic 
Party of Japan to change the country's energy policy, though the LDP 
leadership seems determined to keep a lid on him. He was one of only 
two lower house LDP lawmakers who voted in favor of Prime Minister 
Naoto Kan's request for a 70-day extension of the current Diet 
session and as a result was denied the ¥1 million summertime bonus 
LDP Diet members receive. "That's the equivalent of half my annual 
operating expenses," he told reporters ruefully.

Though his pedigree guarantees him a certain degree of exposure, 
Kono's views were never taken seriously by the media, which isn't to 
say they were extreme. Kono is a fiscal and social conservative. He 
is also cocky and ambitious, which is why he hasn't quit the LDP. He 
wants to become prime minister, an office his father never achieved 
despite having once been president of the party, and believes the LDP 
is his best chance at achieving that goal. Since March 11 he's 
finally gotten the attention he always felt he deserved.

Last week, during an interview on TV Asahi's "Hodo Station," Kono 
described the structure propping up the nuclear industry's "safety 
myth." Regional power monopolies contributed money to the LDP, while 
national labor unions, which tended to be dominated by the unions 
attached to power companies, boosted the DPJ, many of whose members 
started their political careers in labor unions. Moreover, the 
bureaucracy was always contributing retired personnel to the 
executive ranks of the electrical utilities, which kept the media and 
academia in line by, respectively, spending big on advertising and 
funding university programs.

He explained what Japan should do to "phase out nuclear energy," 
something you weren't likely to have heard on a major TV network 
prior to March 11. "No one in the LDP paid attention to me," he said 
about his antinuke stance, but after the quake, "the promoters of 
nuclear energy in the party just stopped talking. The LDP finally 
caught up to me."

Such a statement sounds arrogant, but in fact the LDP's general 
mindset has become more aligned with Kono's. Ostensibly, the reason 
Kan is hanging on to the premiership so tenaciously is to pass a bill 
that calls for greater reliance on renewable energy. Because the 
media is more interested in political gamesmanship than in policy, 
they have mostly ignored the fact that the Ministry of Economy, Trade 
and Industry, which has had more to do with the promulgation of 
nuclear power than any other government body, actually wrote the 
bill. And since METI is still seen as a creature of the LDP, it 
follows that the LDP will not reject the bill out of hand. The LDP 
simply doesn't like the idea that Kan is the person championing it.

The only obstacle to a future in which power companies are required 
to buy renewable energy at a fixed price in order to encourage more 
of it - the gist of the bill - is big business. On May 27, another 
opinion-maker, Rakuten President and Chairman Hiroshi Mikitani, left 
Keidanren, the Japan Business Federation, which he believes has sat 
on its hands since March 11 hoping that the whole nuclear mess would 
just go away and things would return to the way they were. As a 
successful entrepreneur, Mikitani is often portrayed in the media as 
the antidote to Livedoor founder and rookie convict Takafumi Horie or 
SoftBank's iconoclastic president Masayoshi Son, meaning someone whom 
the business community accepts as its own.

"I just couldn't put up with Keidanren's defense of the electric 
power industry," Mikitani tweeted last week. Keidanren's response to 
the disaster in Fukushima has been, according to the Rakuten chief, 
"pointless." He says the entire power industry needs to be 
restructured - "separate generation from distribution" - but because 
of the ties between Keidanren and the utilities, big business 
continues to support nuclear energy as a national policy, insisting 
it's still the cheapest way to make electricity.

But the establishment figure who's been most strident in his 
condemnation of Japan's nuclear policy is the Wakamono Manifest 
group's second choice for PM, Hashimoto. In a Twitter rant on June 
25, the Osaka governor, while admitting that Japan must address 
energy assurance, global warming and national security, said he 
believes his constituents have weighed the risks of nuclear energy 
and decided they can do without it, even if half the electricity they 
now consume is nuclear-generated. Citing past electricity usage 
figures, he calculates that in Osaka there are only eight days in the 
whole year when energy demand could conceivably outstrip supply; 
which means "we only need nuclear reactors for those eight days." So 
while he agrees that telling businesses to cut back "is out of the 
question," Kepco's demand that he ask his constituents to save at 
least 15 percent is, to him, extortion.

Hashimoto is as reactionary as they come, though his brand of 
conservatism is more nationalistic in nature. Nevertheless, the fact 
that three men whose loyalties nominally lean rightward currently 
represent the antinuclear contingent in the press is significant. 
Popular actor Taro Yamamoto was allegedly dropped from a TV drama in 
May because of his public stand against nukes, but the mainstream 
media didn't even mention it. Not ironic enough?

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