See also:

Coming home: The Army's fatal neglect
John Needham returned from Iraq, suffering from combat stress. If he 
had received proper care, would he be standing trial for murder?
THURSDAY, FEB 12, 2009

War damaged vet kills girlfriend; PTSD to blame?
November 12, 2011 10:50 PM



New Documents Released of 2007 Iraq Atrocity by Troops

Saturday 17 December 2011

by: David Swanson, War Is A | Report

Every American should read this letter:

December 18, 2007
To:   Mr. Randy Waddle, Assistant Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
CC:  LTC John Shawkins, Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
        Major General Mark Graham, Commanding Officer, Ft Carson, Colorado
        Major Haytham Faraj, USMC, Camp Pendleton, California
        Lt General Stanley Greene, US Army Inspector General

Subject: Formal Notification of War Atrocities and Crimes Committed 
by Personnel, B Company, 2-12, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry 
Division in Iraq

Dear Mr. Waddle,

My name is John Needham.  I am a member of Bravo Company, 2nd 
Battalion, 2nd Infantry division, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd 
Infantry Division, (BCo,2-12INF,2BCT,2ID .  I deployed with my unit 
to Iraq from October 2006 until October 2007 when I was medically 
evacuated for physical and mental injuries that I suffered during my 
deployment.  The purpose of my letter is to report what I believe to 
be war crimes and violation of the laws of armed conflict that I 
personally witnesses while deployed in Iraq.

Upon arriving in Iraq in October of 2006 my unit was assigned to the 
? Cavalry unit at Camp Prosperity.  In March of 2007 I was sent back 
to my unit, B Company 2-12 at Camp Falcon.  It was at Camp Falcon 
that I observed and was forced to participate in ugly and inhumane 
acts against the Iraqi citizens in our area of responsibilities.  
Below I list some of the incidents that took place.

In March of 2007, I witnessed SSG Platt shoot and wound an Iraqi 
national without cause of provocation.  The Staff Sergeant said that 
he suspected the Iraqi be a "trigger" man.  We had not been attacked 
and we found no evidence on the man to support the suspicion.  As the 
Iraqi lay bleeding on the ground, PVT Smith requested to administer 
first aid to the Iraqi.  SSgt Platt said no and "let him bleed out."  
When SSG Platt walked away, Pvt Smith and PVT Mullins went to the 
Iraqi, dragged him to an alley, and applied first aid.  They then 
drove him to the cache for further treatment.

In June of 2007 1SG Spry caused an Iraqi male to be stopped, 
questioned, detained, and killed.  We had no evidence that the Iraqi 
was an insurgent or terrorist.  In any event when we stopped he did 
not pose a threat.  Although I did not personally witness the 
killing, I did observe 1sg Spry dismembering the body and parading of 
it while it was tied to the hood of a Humvee around the Muhalla 
neighborhood while the interpreter blared out warnings in Arabic over 
the loud speaker.  I have a photo that shows 1SG Spry removing the 
victim's brains.

On another occasion an Iraqi male was stopped by a team led by Sgt 
Rogers as he walked down an alleyway.  The Iraqi was detained and 
questioned then with his hands tied behind his back, SGT Rogers 
skinned his face.

1ST Spry shot a young Iraqi teenager who was about 16 years old.  The 
shooting was unprovoked and the Iraqi posed no threat to the unit.  
He was merely riding his bicycle past an ambush site.  When I arrived 
on the scene I observed 1SGT Spry along with SSG Platt dismember the 
boy's body.

In August of 2007, I responded to radio call from SGT Rogers 
reporting that he had just shot an Iraqi who was trying to enter 
through a hole that the platoon had blown in a wall to allow them 
observation of the area during a security patrol.  When I arrived, I 
saw a one armed man who was still alive lying on a barricade.  The 
man was about 30 years old.   He had an old Ruger pistol hanging from 
his thumb.  It was obvious to me that the pistol was placed there 
because of the way it hung from his thumb.  The Iraqi was still alive 
when I arrived.  I saw SGT Rogers shoot him twice in the back with 
hollow point bullets.  The Iraqi was still moving.  I was asking why 
they shot him again when I heard Sgt Hoskins say "he's moving, he's 
still alive."  SPEC Hoskins then moved to the Iraqi and shot him in 
the back of the head.  SSG Platt and SGT Rogers were visibly excited 
about the kill.  I saw them pull the Iraqi's

brains out as they placed him in the body bag.  CPT Kirsey must have 
learned something about this incident because he was very upset and 
admonished the NCOs involved.

I have seen and heard 1SGT Spry brag about killing dogs.  He kept a 
running count.  At last count I remember he was boasting of having 
killed 80 dogs.

On many occasions I observed SGT Temples, SSG Platt and SGT Rogers 
beat and abuse Iraqi teenagers, some as young as 14, without cause.  
They would walk into a house near areas where they suspected we had 
received sniper fire, then detain and beat the kids.

I have photos that support my allegations.  I also have numerous 
other photos on a laptop PC that the unit illegally seized from me.  
I have requested its return but they have refused.

My experiences have taken a terrible toll on me.  I suffer from PTSD 
and depression.  I had no way to stop the ugly actions of my unit.  
When I refused to participate they began to abuse and harass me.  I 
am still in treatment at the Balboa Naval hospital.  I respectfully 
request that you investigate these matters, that you protect my 
safety by reassigning me to a different unit that is not located at 
Fort Carson, that you return my PC or, at least, seize it to protect 
the evidence on it, and that you issue a military protective order to 
prohibit the offending members of my unit from harassing, 
retaliating, or contacting me.

I have some photographs and some supporting documentation to these allegations.


PFC John Needham

US Army

And every American should view these photographs (warning, extremely 

And then watch this superb video to learn from John Needham's father 
what became of him:

On the Dark Side in Al Doura - A Soldier in the Shadows from Pulse TV 
& Maverick Media on Vimeo.

WARNING: Graphic and disturbing photos between 38:47 and 40:00.


U.S. Army Ranger John Needham, who was awarded two purple hearts and 
three medals for heroism, wrote to military authorities in 2007 
reporting war crimes that he witnessed being committed by his own 
command and fellow soldiers in Al Doura, Iraq. His charges were 
supported by atrocity photos which, in the public interest, are now 
released in this video. John paid a terrible price for his opposition 
to these acts. His story is tragic.

CBS reported obtaining an Army document from the Criminal 
Investigation Command suggestive of an investigation into these war 
crimes allegations. The Army's conclusion was that the "offense of 
War Crimes did not occur." However, CBS also stated that the report 
was "redacted and incomplete; 111 pages were withheld."


Salon covered this story too:


Thanks to Cindy Piester for the excellent video and all of this information.

- David Swanson is the author of "War Is A Lie."

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