Thursday, Jan. 12, 2012

Key antinuclear confab will offer lessons for global thought


Staff writer

This weekend's international antinuclear conference in Yokohama could 
play a crucial role in sharing the lessons of the Fukushima crisis 
with the global community and in drafting constructive proposals to 
abolish atomic power, the event's chairman said Wednesday in Tokyo.

The Global Conference for a Nuclear Power-Free World, which is being 
hosted by six domestic antinuclear groups, is important because "the 
Fukushima nuclear plant accident is not just a domestic issue," 
Tatsuya Yoshioka, director of the nongovernmental organization Peace 
Boat, said at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan.

The Saturday-Sunday conference at the Pacifico Yokohama convention 
center will be the largest event on nuclear and energy policy staged 
since the March 11 disasters sparked the country's worst nuclear 
plant crisis, Yoshioka and representatives from the five other 
organizers said.

Many countries voiced concerns after the Fukushima No. 1 plant's 
wrecked reactors started spewing radioactive fallout, including 
contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean. But Yoshioka noted many of 
these countries also face the risk of nuclear plant crises and will 
therefore benefit from hearing about Fukushima.

Yoshioka said he hopes to help expand the antinuclear movement and 
launch a citizens' international antinuclear network, as no such body 
has been effectively organized yet.

He also voiced fears that if the battle against atomic energy is 
limited to Japan, it might continue to be waged on an "ideological" 
level and fail to address specific policy issues.

The event will be attended by about 100 international guests and 
10,000 participants, and will include various symposiums about 
nuclear plants and the effects of radiation on health.

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