Several Things amuse me about stuff like this Keith,
The end of the world ... it is always tomorrow ( or mostly always)
some where else ( time differences / Zones )

And me being a single Person, &  Just like cancer Their is absolutely
nothing I can do about it, if the world is going to end Me panicking & stressing out slipping another Antidepressant into my system wont stop it, so I may as well sit back
and enjoy the ride !
I could be a Pepper ..., but well what's the use IF THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END?
So my advice is to sit back and if you must either  Kiss Your A$$ Goodbye
( or your partners GRIN! ) and enjoy the ride, for tomorrow is cancelled ! but how can it be ?

Tony from Toodyay !

I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires,
rather than in attempting to satisfy them.
- John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

At 04:15 AM 12/12/2012 +0200, you wrote:

End of the World: Hear the 2012 Prophecy Š Direct from the Mouths of the Mayan Priests

Ignore Second-Hand Information Š Hear the Real Prophecy

By Washington's Blog

Global Research, December 09, 2012

Washington's Blog

While educated adults obviously don't believe the 2012 prophesy, many children are terrified, and NASA reports that some are contemplating suicide. So please spread this as a Public Service Announcement.

Many people are talking about the Mayan 2012 prophecy.

But few know what the Mayan priests actually said about 2012. In reality, Mayan elders say something very different from what you might have heard.

For example, Wakatel Utiw - leader of the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna (the Xinca and Garifuna are non-Mayan tribes in Central America), Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, and 13th generation Quiche Mayan Spiritual Leader - says that the end of the Maya calendar has nothing to do with the end of the world.

He also explains that December 21, 2012 might not even be the end of this cycle of the calendar:

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