This website address appears at the bottom of every e-mail you get from this list:

It provides a lot of information about list operation, including how to unsubscribe. Over to you.

If you have a question about bio-diesel, I strongly encourage you to check the information already on the Journey to Forever website on the subject.

Start here (hundreds have - including me):

(actually, that's available at the first webpage listed above as well).

Try it. Seriously. It works. Follow the directions - carefully. You do need to measure and use the genuine materials; no guessing or 'close enough' substitutions. If you still have questions, then ask. Members of this list are remarkably patient with those really trying to work their way through the process. Tell us what you are trying to accomplish with biodiesel. Be careful, you might find out you are trying to change the world.

On 30/03/2013 3:51 PM, Stephen Rhodes wrote:
When I signed up for this, I mistakenly thought there would be some info on 
sustainable bio-diesel info.  This is just a blog for people who want to be 
Please remove my name from a this mailing lost.
Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

Darryl McMahon
Author, The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy (and definitely not the list moderator)
Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

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