[Another coal industry disinformation piece. "CCS" still apparently stands for Citizen's Cash Sink. Note $450,000,000 already sunk into preliminary research from U.S. DOE. Also, this is not actually a CCS project, but an EOR (enhanced oil recovery project), which means 60 to 80% of the CO2 injected will likely resurface in short order with oil or methane produced. To see what happens when the taxpayer-funded grants, subsidies and other incentives stop, see second article below.]

Texas Clean Coal Plant May Be Environmental Game Changer

By  Lorne Matalon
May 28, 2014

PENWELL, Texas — New EPA rules aimed at cutting carbon emissions are expected to be unveiled June 2. Coal generates nearly half of this country’s electricity and is the largest source of air pollution.

The new rules are expected to spur the use of clean coal technology. At least that’s the hope of both the coal industry and some environmental groups.

Although the term “clean coal” seems like an oxymoron to some people, the expression refers to the best way known currently to use a product that’s plentiful in the United States and relatively cheap.

Some analysts believe the United States has coal reserves they say will last for 250-300 years. The United States has often been cited as the "the Saudi Arabia of coal" since the energy crisis, a theme that has been trumpeted by both Democrats and Republicans, although that description has been routinely challenged.

There are two planned coal plants in the U.S. that will sequester harmful CO2 and generate electricity. One is in Kemper, Mississippi, and the other is in West Texas.

The Texas project is slated for an 600-acre piece of empty land in Penwell, a onetime oil town in the 1930s near the geographic center of the Permian Basin of West Texas.

Today, Penwell is a deserted piece of flatland beside a major interstate highway that didn't exist when the town was created to service the oil industry.

Abandoned oil tanks lie in an empty field. Wind whistles through a fence and the rumble of nearby Interstate 10 is constant.

The directors of a plan known as the Texas Clean Energy Project say a coal-fired power plant will be built here over the next four years. It’s a plant some people say can be an environmental game changer.

“I am in favor of building electric power plants that capture their carbon,” says former Dallas Mayor Laura Miller.

As mayor, she was decidedly against expanding coal’s footprint in the energy grid.

In 2007, Miller was one of the leaders of a coalition of Texas cities that successfully derailed plans by the energy company TXU to build 11 coal-fired plants in Texas.

Fast forward to 2014. Miller now heads up the $3.5 billion Texas Clean Energy Project, which despite the name is all about making electricity from coal.

But not the old way, as Miller explained.

“Traditional coal plants take a lump of coal, put a match to it and it burns up a smokestack,” Miller said. “And you desperately try to pull off sulphur, mercury, grit off the coal emissions."

The new twist sounds simple enough but it’s expensive, turning coal into gas.

“Twenty-first century coal takes coal and puts it in a large receptacle called a gasifier and you add a little pure oxygen and you heat it up to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit and you make a gas out of the lump of coal,” she said.

Miller says that’s what marks this technology.

“By putting it into a gaseous form,” Miller said, "you’re much more able to pull out the bad stuff including carbon dioxide.”

The technology is called called Carbon Capture and Storage, or CCS. Eight U.S. plants use this technology right now, burying the carbon dioxide or in the ground, theoretically permanently.

What’s new here is the plan to recycle the CO2.

A major Texas utility has agreed to buy captured CO2 to make electricity. And CO2 will also used to extract oil here in the Permian Basin, the country’s highest producing oilfield. The captured carbon will be specifically used for enhanced oil recovery.

Carbon gas is injected into the ground, reducing the viscosity, or the thickness or gooiness, of crude oil, which eases the crude’s flow to recovery wells.

The operation also produces byproducts like fertilizer and even baking soda.

As hopeful as that might sound, critics charge that any use of CCS will slow the country’s migration to renewables like wind and solar.

But several major environmental groups, historical foes of coal, support the project.

Inside Energy spoke with Tim Profeta, Director of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Solutions at Duke University.

Tim Profeta heads the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Solutions at Duke University. He says climate change cannot be addressed "if we do not capture carbon from fossil sources" as CCS is designed to do.

“It’s very difficult to perceive a future where we are not using fossil fuels for energy for decades into the future,” said Profeta. “It’s also difficult to foresee that we can address our problem of climate change if we do not capture the carbon from those fossil sources.”

He said that CCS technology represents a timely, calculated — albeit expensive — roll of the dice.

“Any new technology brings along risks of, will it perform and how much exactly will it cost?” he said.

Profeta put CCS in general and the Texas project in particular in context.

“By putting this capture technology on the ground we’re narrowing the risks around its future deployment. And it’s very important to do the first one," he said.

The EPA won’t force existing plants to adopt CCS. But by mandating emission reductions, the agency hopes to create a regulatory landscape where the technology is adopted as new plants are built, making CCS cost effective over time.

The Environmental Defense Fund’s Jim Marston, who helped shape California's carbon cap-and-trade program, says CCS is also critical for emerging energy-hungry economies.

“The real opportunity for growth is actually in India and China where they’re continuing to build new coal plants,” he said. “We could clean up their plants. And we need to do that very quickly because China is now surpassing the U.S. as the number one emitter of carbon dioxide.”

In fact, China’s already in this game. China’s Export-Import Bank has agreed to lend the Texas project $2.5 billion, marking its largest foreign investment in the technology.

Changing the U.S. power infrastructure is like stopping a guided-missile cruiser. It can’t be done quickly.

That’s why supporters of the Texas project say the technology is important right now even if it implies the long-term continued use of coal.


South West carbon capture project doomed

May 29, 2014, 11:41 a.m.

The South West’s carbon capture project appears unlikely to ever move beyond the research phase, with federal funding for the project cut and the expected abolition of the carbon tax meaning industry will have no economic incentive to pursue the technology.

$459.3 million over three years has been cut from the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Flagships program, part of which would have funded the South West Hub project in Harvey beyond the research phase.

Conservation Council of Western Australia spokesman Piers Verstegen said the funding cut was a watershed moment for the South West and Collie’s coal industry.

“The last potential lifeline for coal is being terminated and there can no longer be any doubt that coal burning industries must play a declining role in meeting our energy needs,” Mr Verstegen said.

The project was to involve initial research on carbon capture and storage followed by government-supported commercial ventures in partnership with local companies, including Griffin and Premier Coal.

Without the carbon tax acting as an economic incentive for private enterprise to limit their emissions, there is little chance commercial ventures will go ahead without government support.

“Given the very poor financial position of Collie’s coal mines and power stations and the lack regulatory of financial incentive, it is not realistic to think that these industries will fund the development of CCS without significant government assistance," he said.

“This decision to cut funding to the Collie CCS program must trigger a community-led conversation about the future of the Collie region.”

Federal member for Forrest Nola Marino said carbon capture was among the most expensive forms of pollution mitigation and it would now be expected to compete for funding on an economic basis.

“Our policy to minimise emissions involves an Emissions Reduction Fund of $2.55 billion which will be used to fund the most cost effective carbon emissions reductions,” Mrs Marino said.

“It will be up to the industry and private sector to make it work if it is feasible.”

Mrs Marino denied that the money already spent on research, and that to be spent in coming years, would be wasted.

“The research phase involves test bores and seismic testing, and the knowledge gained will let us better understand the geology of the area,” she said.

“Such research is never wasted. However it will not involve the commercial injection of carbon dioxide.”

South West Hub general manager Brendan Gaynor said a decision on whether to commercialise the project would be made at the completion of the research phase.

“This decision is several years away and the joint venturers are committed to pursuing the investigation of the project’s feasibility,” Mr Gaynor said.
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