Oil and gas companies must report earthquakes near Fox Creek, new rules say

By Sheila Pratt, Edmonton Journal February 19, 2015

EDMONTON - New rules for oil companies using hydraulic fracturing in the Fox Creek area should prevent stronger earthquakes, the Alberta Energy Regulator announced Thursday.

After a cluster of earthquakes possibly associated with “fracking” in the region, the regulator decided to bring new regulations, said Todd Shipman, AER manager responsible for seismic monitoring.

“We want the ability to prevent the large events, so we are asking companies to modify their operations when they hit a level 2.0 on the Richter scale,” he said.

In January, the Duvernay area 260 kilometres northwest of Edmonton recorded two significant earthquakes, including a 4.4-magnitude event 33 kilometres west of Fox Creek. That came after a cluster of 18 seismic events a month earlier.

Some of those earthquakes “appear to be related” to fracking, a process that involves injecting high-pressure fluids, sand and chemicals underground to crack open rock layers and release oil and gas, Shipman said.

Companies must now record seismic activity as low as 2.0 on the Richter scale in an eight-kilometre radius of their wells. At that level, they must immediately take action to reduce the impact of their operations to prevent the quake from growing.

At 4.0 magnitude, companies must immediately cease operations until the regulator approves restarting, says the new order.

The science shows the earthquakes associated with fracking can start small and be stopped before hitting the level at which people can feel the shaking, about 4.0 level, Shipman said.

“Lots of small earthquakes are never felt and the key is to manage it so they do not become a problem,” he said, adding that a similar system is used in British Columbia.

Companies should be able to respond within hours of hitting a 2.0 level quake and each company will have to figure out a specific action plan, he added.

Previously, there was no requirement on companies to report earthquakes at such a low level to the local AER office. These events will now be reported publicly on the regulator’s incident reporting website.

The regulator has six seismic monitoring stations in the region. With the additional data from the companies, the regulator hopes to be able to figure out why some areas seem more susceptible to earthquakes than others with fracking.

“We’re trying to understand underlying causes and that means studying the rock mechanics, locating underlying faults.”

Companies drilling in the area include Chevron Corp., Royal Dutch Shell and EnCana Corp.

In its release, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, the energy industry association, said “it is important to address” the public’s questions about seismic activity associated with oil and gas development.

“The new seismic monitoring and reporting requirements ensure our industry operates with the highest regard for public safety,” said Brad Herald, CAPP vice-president for western Canada.

The order applies only to companies in the Fox Creek area and is not provincewide.

The Fox Creek quakes posed no danger to the public or environment, according to the regulator.
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