“Fair” Elections Act Charter Challenge

BREAKING NEWS: Over 2,000 pages of powerful evidence is being filed with the Ontario Superior Court demonstrating the dangerous effects of the Fair Elections Act on Canadian democracy. This Charter challenge has been brought by the Council of Canadians, the Canadian Federation of Students and two additional voters.

The applicants will be seeking a court order quashing provisions of the so-called Fair Elections Act, which will suppress the votes of tens of thousands of qualified electors. The evidence from four experts, including B.C.’s former Chief Electoral Officer Harry Neufeld, shows that tens of thousands of voters will be disenfranchised if the provisions being challenged remain in place during the next election.

The Council of Canadians and the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) have joined together to launch a Charter challenge against sections of the Harper government’s so-called “Fair” Elections Act.

The Harper government introduced the act – Bill C-23 – in February 2014. It proposed sweeping changes to election rules and was criticized widely by political parties, election law experts and the public. In the face of a massive outcry the Harper government retreated and changed some components of the act before it was passed by the Conservatives in the House of Commons and by the Senate.

The Charter challenge will target two central provisions of the act, including the ban on the use of a Voter Information Card to prove residency and the muzzling of the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO). Both of these changes infringe on people’s constitutional right to vote, which is guaranteed under Section 3 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Not allowing the use of a Voter Information Card to prove residency will disenfranchise post-secondary students by interfering with their right to vote, according to CFS.

While Elections Canada will still be allowed to run paid ads, all other forms of communication and engagement with Canadians will be off limits. The Chief Electoral Officer will no longer be able to run public education programs to inform people about the voting process and their rights. Imposing these restrictions on Elections Canada will make it harder to encourage youth, Indigenous people, new immigrants, or anyone else to exercise their democratic rights. These restrictions will also make it harder for the Chief Electoral Officer to communicate with Canadians about election fraud – which, in turn, will make it more difficult for voters who have been the victim of election fraud to defend their right to vote in a fair election.

There is nothing in the so-called “Fair” Elections Act to address – or prevent – the widespread election fraud that occurred in the 2011 federal election, which was brought to light by a legal challenge launched by eight Canadians and backed by Council of Canadians supporters.

The Council of Canadians and CFS will be asking the court to overturn the sections of the “Fair” Elections Act before the next federal election.

Read the media release.

Further reading:

    Evidence from the case’s key experts: Summary | Detailed summary

    Full affidavits

    Full body of evidence

    Amended Notice of Application issued January 21, 2015

[Note: PM Harper has broken his own election dates law before (September 2008 -, so there is a good chance he could do so again. In particular, he may wish to have the election take place before an embarrassing trial expected to begin in May, and do so with impunity. The scheduled date for the election is October of this year.]
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