Fiji looks at oil spill plan

Mere Naleba

Friday, March 13, 2015

FIJI is expected to have a national oil spill plan.

This was revealed by the permanent secretary for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Francis Kean, during his submission to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Natural Resources.

Mr Kean said the plan was currently with the Solicitor-General's office.

"As we speak honourable members, this plan is currently with the Solicitor-General's office undergoing final vetting. We have been waiting for some time now, however, the whole reason was they wanted the two legislation in place including the regulations," Mr Kean said

"The oil spill plan is a very big initiative for the ministry. It is to support a very important sector of our economy, the tourism sector, and I believe the tourism sector relies greatly on our pristine sunny blue waters."

Mr Kean said apart from that plan, the ministry along with the Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji had also developed a plan internally.

"The national oil spill plan will put in place mechanisms for response and also for compliance by ship operators that actually transit through our waters here in Fiji."

Mr Kean added that as of January 1 this year, the ministry had introduced two new legislation — the Maritime Transport Decree and the Ships Registration Decree — including 34 other regulations.

"These are new laws that places Fiji in benchmarking against international best practice.

"I wish to talk about two very important areas under this legislation, which is the new International Ships and Ports Security Code.

"I think we work very well with Fiji Ports Ltd and Fiji Ports Terminal Ltd."
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