Calgary oil company fined for releasing oil into northern Alberta creek

By Tony Blais, Edmonton Sun

First posted: Friday, March 13, 2015 04:25 PM MDT

A Calgary oil and gas company was hit with a $125,000 penalty Friday after admitting in an Edmonton courtroom to releasing oil into a northern Alberta creek.

Canadian Natural Resources Limited was ordered to pay a $12,000 fine and to donate $113,000 to Environment Canada's Environmental Damages Fund after pleading guilty to a charge under the Fisheries Act of depositing a deleterious substance in water frequented by fish.

Provincial Court Judge Laura Stevens noted the May 23, 2010, light crude oil spill into Sneddon Creek from an CNRL oil production site near Spirit River was the result of a "mistake" by a company contract employee where valves that should have been closed were left open.

"This is a very unfortunate incident," said Stevens, describing it as a case of "negligence," rather than an intentional act. "This speaks to inadequate supervision and inadequate policies."

The judge noted that CNRL's response to the spill was "immediate and vigorous" and the company has since increased supervision and put policies and safeguards in place so that a similar spill does not happen.

According to agreed facts, two CNRL operators had been doing a procedure that involved shutting down oil production from four oil wells so that pressure valves could be removed and tested. Once the procedure was done and prior to restarting the production, one of the operators opened four drain valves to purge oxygen. However, he failed to then close the valves.

Company officials estimated six cubic metres of oil was released of which .75 cubic metres entered the creek.

The oil is lethal to fish at a concentration of 1.4 per cent, however no fish deaths were observed at the time.

Company lawyer Ron Kruhlak told court that CNRL was "thankful" that the release did not result in any harm.

Spirit River is about 523 km northwest of Edmonton.
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