In my 'spare time', I am working with a small group of 'mad scientists and engineers'.

We think we have a couple of technologies which might address the collection of floating microbeads in the wild, and as they try to escape from municipal waste water treatment systems.

We are now at a stage where we could actually test one of the possible technologies, and likely will be able to test the other in a matter of weeks.

Given the wide variety of knowledge and expertise on this list, I thought I would ask here if there are connections which could supply a small quantity (less than a kilogram) of microbeads for our testing. The more colourful the better.

If not, I will start 'knocking on doors' at consumer products companies to see if they can help. I don't expect that to go well.

If you are interested, I can share a document which outlines the ideas (very much a work in progress).

Thanks in advance,


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