Britain: National Grid will pay companies to use electricity this summer


A dozen British firms will be paid to use power under a scheme National Grid will start next month intended at balancing the system in summer, when production is high from green energy sources such as wind and solar.

National Grid declared 12 companies have obtained contracts for the Demand Turn Up scheme which will operate from May until September. Under the scheme, companies will run several operations at night or at midday when there is a lot of electricity production from wind farms and solar power plants. As a part of the tender, firms were demanded to demonstrate they need to complete such operations and that the electricity would not be unexploited. The scheme was also open to small scale power generators that can also cut their output at short notice, such as combined heat and power units, which produce electricity as a by-product of heating. The firms will be paid 1.5 pounds per megawatt hour (MWh) for taking part in the scheme. They will be paid an extra 60-75 pounds/MWh if called upon to perform. British spot power prices presently trade approximately 37 pounds/MWh. In 2014 National Grid paid 10 million pounds ($14.43 million) to wind power producers to halt output when electricity demand was low to guarantee the system was not oversupplied. National Grid predicts electricity demand will attain a record low this summer. Meanwhile green electricity production Britain is increasing. It represented a record 25 percent of the nation's generation in 2015.
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