[14-minute video in on-line article

Spoiler alert:  here are the 3 things.

1)  Stop investing in climate change.

2)  Drop coal, oil and gas from your investment portfolio.

3) Roll a portion of your portfolio into climate solutions like clean energy, agriculture, local business, and many more.

I liked this line: If you are a student at a school which refuses to divest, change schools. Sterling College will welcome you with open arms.]

3 Ways Millennials Can Divest From Fossil Fuels

Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr. | May 11, 2016 2:54 pm

I delivered powerful words to the Sterling College graduating class of 2016 on May 7. I spoke on the need for climate leadership in the 21st century in order to have a graduating class in 2116.

I mentioned how the climate change movement is for everyone and that we must act now. I emphasized the need to divest and #BreakFree from the fossil fuel industry. Lastly, I gave the listening audience three ways that they can divest from fossil fuel just like the small Sterling College.
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