[While I see the Statoil and Total moves as genuine moves to ride the shift away from fossil fuels to renewables, my read of of the ExxonMobil investment in CCS and fuel cells is a way to vacuum up taxpayer dollars to support two dead-end paths, both of which are intended to extend the life of the fossil fuel energy economy.

I see the Saudi move as highly instructive. As the world's swing oil producer, they are planning to continue exporting oil to world markets, while moving their own infrastructure to renewables.]

Big oil companies to invest in green energy


Big oil companies are stepping up its investments in renewables and clean energy, being hit by declining oil prices and plunging profits.

Oil majors like Total, ExxonMobil, Statoil and Shell have announced a series of “green investments” in wind farms, electric battery storage systems and carbon capture and storage (CCS). These moves come after Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest crude exporter, said it plans to sell off parts of its national oil company and diversify its economy away from petroleum. On Monday 9 May, French oil giant Total announced a $1 bn takeover of Saft Groupe, which specialises in batteries for the transport, industry and defence sectors. Total has also acquired a majority share in SunPower, a leading solar concern. ExxonMobil has recently unveiled plans to investigate fuel cell technology in order to build carbon capture and storage facilities and eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from power installations. The moves by ExxonMobil and Total come three months after Norway’s oil and gas giant, Statoil, announced a $200m, four-to-seven-year investment in energy storage, renewables, efficiency and smart grids. It is believed, that this example will soon be followed by Shell. The Dutch-Anglo oil company has created a separate division, New Energies, to invest in renewables and low-carbon power, to be formally announced at a strategy briefing on 7 June. Last week, Shell said it is bidding in a partnership to build two wind farms off the Dutch coast.
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