[Canada already gets about 60% of its electricity from hydro, so increasing the wind fraction to 35%, while continuing to increase generation from biomass, geothermal, tidal and other renewable sources, combined with daily cycle distributed storage, conservation, efficiency and load time-shifting could put Canada at near-zero GHG electricity generation within a generation.]

8 July 2016

Canada could get third of its electricity from wind

According to a new report, Canada has the potential to get more than one-third of its electricity from wind generated power without compromising grid reliability.

The study (, issued by the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) takes a detailed look at national, system-level look at the production costs and benefits of high wind energy penetration in Canada. The paper also helps identify potential operational challenges and the most efficient solutions.

According to a release, CanWEA’s report provides utilities, system operators and policymakers with a technical platform that can be used to inform the development of provincial, regional and North American energy policies.

Honourable Jim Carr, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, said: “Understanding the implications of integrating a greater amount of wind energy into Canada’s electrical system contributes to our goal of developing clean energy resources and moving our country towards a low-carbon economy.

“The Government of Canada supports clean energy technologies that encourage energy efficiency, bring cleaner renewable energy onto a smarter electricity grid, and promote sustainable economic growth and competitiveness.”
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