Hello everyone. I am ending a SVG document that allows the user to throw in a Javascript programmed dice four svg pieces around a 40 piece board (like Monopoly game)...
The doubt is about the final position of the piece, I want to catch using javascript that position so I can use this position in other facts of the project. By now i am passing only the javascript program, I hope I can give you an idea what i am doing. I must say first that I don't want any correction, this program is working really fine, thanks for the help of some of you, I am only trying to find a way to catch the value called "i" to set it in other page. Thanks and sorry for the long code. Travsam Code (svg not included, sorry for put the comments between parenthesis) (declaring variables) var currentTime=0 var timeText var gameboard= new Array() var player1 var player2 var player3 var player4 var comment var comment2 var comment3 var color var pM var pP var cP=1 var k=0 var svgns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; var xlinkns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; (this function works when the user loads the svg) function init(){ if ( window.svgDocument == null ) svgDocument = evt.target.ownerDocument; for(var i=0;i<40;i++) { var f= document.getElementById("field"+i); gameboard.push(new field(f)); } player1=new player(svgDocument.getElementById("player1")); player2=new player(svgDocument.getElementById("player2")); player3=new player(svgDocument.getElementById("player3")); player4=new player(svgDocument.getElementById("player4")); timeText=document.getElementById("text"); setInterval("gameloop()",10); } (this update the player position) function gameloop() { currentTime++ //timeText.firstChild.nodeValue=currentTime player1.update() player2.update() player3.update() player4.update() } (set the x and y of every field of the board) function field(svg){ var x=svg.getAttribute("x")*1 var y=svg.getAttribute("y")*1 var w=svg.getAttribute("width")*1 var h=svg.getAttribute("height")*1 this.svg=svg this.x=x+w/5 this.y=y+h/5 } ( (set the values of throwdice and allows to make the movement of the pieces, x and y must increase or decrease when they find some limits on the screen just like a board) function player(svg){ this.svg=svg this.field=0 this.move=0 this.currentX=gameboard[0].x*1 this.currentY=gameboard[0].y*1 this.dx=0 this.dy=0 this.update= function() { if(this.dx==0 && this.dy==0 && this.move!=0) { this.move-=1 oldField=this.field*1 newField=oldField*1+1 if(newField>=40){newField=0;} this.dx=gameboard[newField].x-gameboard [oldField].x this.dy=gameboard[newField].y-gameboard [oldField].y this.field=newField } if (this.dx>0) { this.dx-=2 this.currentX+=2 } if(this.dy<0){ this.dy+=2 this.currentY-=2 } if(this.dx<0){ this.dx+=2 this.currentX-=2 } if(this.dy>0) { this.dy-=2 this.currentY+=2 } this.svg.setAttribute("x",this.currentX) this.svg.setAttribute("y",this.currentY) } } (make two random numbers between 1 to 6 and set it on function player, then pass the turn to the next player, if the user rolls double the user must roll again) function throwDice(){ var randomDice=Math.round(Math.random()*5) + 1; var randomDice2=Math.round(Math.random()*5) + 1; dice = randomDice; dice2 = randomDice2; window["player"+cP].move= (randomDice + randomDice2); for(var i = 1;i<7;i++){ var d = document.getElementById("d"+ i); if(i==dice){ d.setAttribute( "visibility", "visible" ); }else{ d.setAttribute( "visibility", "hidden" ); } } for(var j = 1;j<7;j++){ var e = document.getElementById("e"+ j); if(j==dice2){ e.setAttribute( "visibility", "visible" ); }else{ e.setAttribute( "visibility", "hidden" ); } } if (dice!=dice2){ k=0; if(cP==1){cP=2} else if (cP==2) {cP=3} else if (cP==3) {cP=4} else {cP=1} } else { k=k+1; if (k==3){ window["player"+cP].field=field11; } } } ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Most low income households are not online. Help bridge the digital divide today! http://us.click.yahoo.com/cd_AJB/QnQLAA/TtwFAA/1U_rlB/TM --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> ----- To unsubscribe send a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -or- visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/svg-developers and click "edit my membership" ---- Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/svg-developers/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/