Author: kn
Date: Thu Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
New Revision: 7371

- Moved all docutils tests into one directory

    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/custom_roles.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/errors.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/header_footer.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex2e.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/list_table.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/nonalphanumeric.txt   (with 
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/standard.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_colspan.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_complex.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_rowspan.txt   (with props)
    experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/unicode.txt   (with props)

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/custom_roles.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/custom_roles.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/custom_roles.txt [iso-8859-1] 
Thu Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+Custom Roles
+* A role based on an existing role.
+  .. role:: custom(literal)
+  :custom:`one` :custom:`two` :custom:`three`
+* A new role.
+  .. role:: customnew
+  :customnew:`one two three`
+* A role with class attribute.
+  .. role:: customclass
+     :class: special
+  :customclass:`interpreted text`
+* A role with class attribute.
+  .. role:: customx
+     :class: very special 
+  :customx:`interpreted text`

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/custom_roles.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/errors.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/errors.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/errors.txt [iso-8859-1] Thu Feb 
14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+Error Handling
+Any errors caught during processing will generate system messages.
+There should be five messages in the following, auto-generated
+section, "Docutils System Messages":
+.. section should be added by Docutils automatically

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/errors.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/header_footer.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/header_footer.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/header_footer.txt [iso-8859-1] 
Thu Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,2 @@
+.. header:: Document header
+.. footer:: Document footer

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/header_footer.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex.txt [iso-8859-1] Thu Feb 
14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,201 @@
+Some Tests for the LaTeX Writer
+These tests have been written to exercise some unusual combinations of
+syntax elements which may cause trouble for the LaTeX writer but do
+not need to be tested with other writers (e.g. the HTML writer).
+This file is not yet used by any automated test.  It is currently only
+used to control the visual appearance of the output.
+Block Quotes
+    This block quote comes directly after the section heading and is
+    followed by a paragraph.
+    This is the second paragraph of the block quote and it contains
+    some more text filling up some space which would otherwise be
+    empty.
+    -- Attribution
+This is a paragraph.
+    This block quote does not have an attribution.
+This is another paragraph.
+    Another block quote at the end of the section.
+More Block Quotes
+    Block quote followed by a transition.
+    Another block quote.
+This paragraph precedes the sidebar.  This is some text.  This is some
+text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.
+This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.
+.. sidebar:: Sidebar Title
+   These are the sidebar contents.  These are the sidebar contents.
+   These are the sidebar contents.  These are the sidebar contents.
+   These are the sidebar contents.  These are the sidebar contents.
+   These are the sidebar contents.  These are the sidebar contents.
+This paragraph follows the sidebar.  This is some text.  This is some
+text.  This is some text.
+This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is
+some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.
+Next Section
+This section comes after the sidebar, and this text should float
+around the sidebar as well.  This is some text.  This is some text.
+This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is
+some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.
+This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is
+some text.  This is some text.
+This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is
+some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.
+This is some text.  This is some text.  This is some text.
+Nested Elements
+:Field list: | Line
+             | Block
+:Field 2: * Bullet
+          * list
+:Another (longer) field: * Bullet
+                         * list
+:Yet another long field:
+          * .. comment
+            Bullet
+            .. comment
+          * .. comment
+            list
+            .. comment
+:Field: * This
+          is
+          a
+        * bullet
+          list
+:Field: * | This is
+          | a bullet
+        * | list with
+          | line blocks
+:Last field: Last field.
+* * * * * * * * Deeply nested list.
+1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Deeply nested list.
+| | Line block    |
+|                 |
+| * Bullet list   |
+|                 |
+| ::              |
+|                 |
+|     Literal     |
+|     block       |
+| :Field 1:       |
+|  Text.          |
+| :Field 2:       |
+|  More text.     |
+| +-------+-----+ |
+| | A     |* foo| |
+| | nested|     | |
+| | table.|* bar| |
+| +-------+-----+ |
+| This is a       |
+| paragraph.      |
+|                 |
+| +-------+-----+ |
+| | A     |* foo| |
+| | nested|     | |
+| | table.|* bar| |
+| +-------+-----+ |
+|                 |
+| Another longer  |
+| paragraph.      |
+| * A list.       |
+| * A list.       |
+|                 |
+| +-------+-----+ |
+| | A     |* foo| |
+| | nested|     | |
+| | table.|* bar| |
+| +-------+-----+ |
+|                 |
+| * Another list. |
+| * Another list. |
+| Foo             |
+|                 |
+| Bar             |
+| * Foo           |
+|                 |
+| * Bar           |
+| * This is a     |
+|   paragraph.    |
+|                 |
+|   This is a     |
+|   paragraph.    |
+|                 |
+| * This is a     |
+|   paragraph.    |
+|                 |
+|   This is a     |
+|   paragraph.    |
+Image with 20% width:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/title.png
+   :width: 20%
+Image with 100% width:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/title.png
+   :width: 100%

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex2e.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex2e.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex2e.txt [iso-8859-1] Thu 
Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+Some Tests for the LaTeX2e Writer
+These tests have been written to exercise some unusual combinations of
+syntax elements which may cause trouble for the LaTeX writer but do
+not need to be tested with other writers (e.g. the HTML writer).
+This file is user by the standalone_rst_latex test.
+Option lists
+The LaTeX-2e description environment is used for definition lists. 
+The definition is continued on the same line as the term, this should
+not happen if a option-list is at the top of the definition.
+If the option list is not at the first element in the definition, it
+is contained in a quote
+  --help  show help
+  -v      verbose
+In a definition list:
+  --help  show help
+  -v      verbose

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/latex2e.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/list_table.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/list_table.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/list_table.txt [iso-8859-1] Thu 
Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+List Tables
+Here's a list table exercising all features:
+.. list-table:: list table with integral header
+   :class: test
+   :widths: 10 20 30
+   :header-rows: 1
+   :stub-columns: 1
+   * - Treat
+     - Quantity
+     - Description
+   * - Albatross
+     - 2.99
+     - On a stick!
+   * - Crunchy Frog
+     - 1.49
+     - If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be
+       crunchy, now would it?
+   * - Gannet Ripple
+     - 1.99
+     - On a stick!

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/list_table.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/nonalphanumeric.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/nonalphanumeric.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/nonalphanumeric.txt 
[iso-8859-1] Thu Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+Monospaced non-alphanumeric characters
+These are all ASCII characters except a-zA-Z0-9 and space:
+The two lines of non-alphanumeric characters should both have the same
+width as the third line.

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/nonalphanumeric.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/standard.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/standard.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/standard.txt [iso-8859-1] Thu 
Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,756 @@
+.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by
+   transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo.
+.. _doctitle:
+ reStructuredText Test Document
+.. Above is the document title, and below is the subtitle.
+   They are transformed from section titles after parsing.
+.. _subtitle:
+ Examples of Syntax Constructs
+.. bibliographic fields (which also require a transform):
+:Author: David Goodger
+:Address: 123 Example Street
+          Example, EX  Canada
+          A1B 2C3
+:Authors: Me; Myself; I
+:organization: humankind
+:date: Now, or yesterday.  Or maybe even *before* yesterday.
+:status: This is a "work in progress"
+:revision: is managed by a version control system.
+:version: 1
+:copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain. You
+            may do with it as you wish. You may copy, modify,
+            redistribute, reattribute, sell, buy, rent, lease,
+            destroy, or improve it, quote it at length, excerpt,
+            incorporate, collate, fold, staple, or mutilate it, or do
+            anything else to it that your or anyone else's heart
+            desires.
+:field name: This is a "generic bibliographic field".
+:field name "2":
+    Generic bibliographic fields may contain multiple body elements.
+    Like this.
+    For Docutils users & co-developers.
+    This is a test document, containing at least one example of each
+    reStructuredText construct.
+.. meta::
+   :keywords: reStructuredText, test, parser
+   :description lang=en: A test document, containing at least one
+       example of each reStructuredText construct.
+.. contents:: Table of Contents
+.. section-numbering::
+Structural Elements
+Section Title
+Section Subtitle
+That's it, the text just above this line.
+Empty Section
+Here's a transition:
+It divides the section.  Transitions may also occur between sections:
+Body Elements
+A paragraph.
+Inline Markup
+Paragraphs contain text and may contain inline markup: *emphasis*,
+**strong emphasis**, ``inline literals``, standalone hyperlinks
+(, external hyperlinks (Python_), internal
+cross-references (example_), external hyperlinks with embedded URIs
+(`Python web site <>`__), `anonymous hyperlink
+references`__ (`a second reference`__), footnote references (manually
+numbered [1]_, anonymous auto-numbered [#]_, labeled auto-numbered
+[#label]_, or symbolic [*]_), citation references ([CIT2002]_),
+substitution references (|example|), and _`inline hyperlink targets`
+(see Targets_ below for a reference back to here).  Character-level
+inline markup is also possible (although exceedingly ugly!) in *re*\
+``Structured``\ *Text*.  Problems are indicated by |problematic| text
+(generated by processing errors; this one is intentional).  Here is a
+reference to the doctitle_ and the subtitle_.
+The default role for interpreted text is `Title Reference`.  Here are
+some explicit interpreted text roles: a PEP reference (:PEP:`287`); an
+RFC reference (:RFC:`2822`); a :sub:`subscript`; a :sup:`superscript`;
+and explicit roles for :emphasis:`standard` :strong:`inline`
+Let's test wrapping and whitespace significance in inline literals:
+``This is an example of --inline-literal --text, --including some--
+strangely--hyphenated-words.  Adjust-the-width-of-your-browser-window
+to see how the text is wrapped.  -- ---- --------  Now note    the
+spacing    between the    words of    this sentence    (words
+should    be grouped    in pairs).``
+If the ``--pep-references`` option was supplied, there should be a
+live link to PEP 258 here.
+Bullet Lists
+- A bullet list
+  + Nested bullet list.
+  + Nested item 2.
+- Item 2.
+  Paragraph 2 of item 2.
+  * Nested bullet list.
+  * Nested item 2.
+    - Third level.
+    - Item 2.
+  * Nested item 3.
+  * This nested list should be compacted by the HTML writer.
+    .. _target:
+    .. Even if this item contains a target and a comment.
+Enumerated Lists
+1. Arabic numerals.
+   a) lower alpha)
+      (i) (lower roman)
+          A. upper alpha.
+             I) upper roman)
+2. Lists that don't start at 1:
+   3. Three
+   4. Four
+   C. C
+   D. D
+   iii. iii
+   iv. iv
+Definition Lists
+    Definition
+Term : classifier
+    Definition paragraph 1.
+    Definition paragraph 2.
+    Definition
+Term : classifier one  :  classifier two
+    Definition
+Field Lists
+:what: Field lists map field names to field bodies, like database
+       records.  They are often part of an extension syntax.  They are
+       an unambiguous variant of RFC 2822 fields.
+:how arg1 arg2:
+    The field marker is a colon, the field name, and a colon.
+    The field body may contain one or more body elements, indented
+    relative to the field marker.
+    .. class:: credits
+    This paragraph has the `credits` class set.  (This is actually not
+    about credits but just for ensuring that the class attribute
+    doesn't get stripped away.)
+Option Lists
+For listing command-line options:
+-a            command-line option "a"
+-b file       options can have arguments
+              and long descriptions
+--long        options can be long also
+--input=file  long options can also have
+              arguments
+              The description can also start on the next line.
+              The description may contain multiple body elements,
+              regardless of where it starts.
+-x, -y, -z    Multiple options are an "option group".
+-v, --verbose  Commonly-seen: short & long options.
+-1 file, --one=file, --two file
+              Multiple options with arguments.
+/V            DOS/VMS-style options too
+There must be at least two spaces between the option and the
+Literal Blocks
+Literal blocks are indicated with a double-colon ("::") at the end of
+the preceding paragraph (over there ``-->``).  They can be indented::
+    if literal_block:
+        text = 'is left as-is'
+        spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
+        markup_processing = None
+Or they can be quoted without indentation::
+>> Great idea!
+> Why didn't I think of that?
+Line Blocks
+This section tests line blocks.  Line blocks are body elements which
+consist of lines and other line blocks.  Nested line blocks cause
+| This is a line block.  It ends with a blank line.
+|     New lines begin with a vertical bar ("|").
+|     Line breaks and initial indent are significant, and preserved.
+|         Continuation lines are also possible.  A long line that is intended
+          to wrap should begin with a space in place of the vertical bar.
+|     The left edge of a continuation line need not be aligned with
+  the left edge of the text above it.
+| This is a second line block.
+| Blank lines are permitted internally, but they must begin with a "|".
+Another line block, surrounded by paragraphs:
+| And it's no good waiting by the window
+| It's no good waiting for the sun
+| Please believe me, the things you dream of
+| They don't fall in the lap of no-one
+Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
+    | A one, two, a one two three four
+    |
+    | Half a bee, philosophically,
+    |     must, *ipso facto*, half not be.
+    | But half the bee has got to be,
+    |     *vis a vis* its entity.  D'you see?
+    |
+    | But can a bee be said to be
+    |     or not to be an entire bee,
+    |         when half the bee is not a bee,
+    |             due to some ancient injury?
+    |
+    | Singing...
+Block Quotes
+Block quotes consist of indented body elements:
+    My theory by A. Elk.  Brackets Miss, brackets.  This theory goes
+    as follows and begins now.  All brontosauruses are thin at one
+    end, much much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the
+    far end.  That is my theory, it is mine, and belongs to me and I
+    own it, and what it is too.
+    -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+Doctest Blocks
+>>> print 'Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"'
+Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"
+>>> print '(cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)'
+(cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)
+.. [1] A footnote contains body elements, consistently indented by at
+   least 3 spaces.
+   This is the footnote's second paragraph.
+.. [#label] Footnotes may be numbered, either manually (as in [1]_) or
+   automatically using a "#"-prefixed label.  This footnote has a
+   label so it can be referred to from multiple places, both as a
+   footnote reference ([#label]_) and as a `hyperlink reference`__.
+   __ label_
+.. [#] This footnote is numbered automatically and anonymously using a
+   label of "#" only.
+   This is the second paragraph.
+   And this is the third paragraph.
+.. [*] Footnotes may also use symbols, specified with a "*" label.
+   Here's a reference to the next footnote: [*]_.
+.. [*] This footnote shows the next symbol in the sequence.
+.. [4] Here's an unreferenced footnote, with a reference to a
+   nonexistent footnote: [5]_.
+.. [CIT2002] Citations are text-labeled footnotes. They may be
+   rendered separately and differently from footnotes.
+Here's a reference to the above, [CIT2002]_, and a [nonexistent]_
+.. _Another Target:
+.. _example:
+This paragraph is pointed to by the explicit "example" target. A
+reference can be found under `Inline Markup`_, above. `Inline
+hyperlink targets`_ are also possible.
+Section headers are implicit targets, referred to by name. See
+Targets_, which is a subsection of `Body Elements`_.
+Explicit external targets are interpolated into references such as
+.. _Python:
+Targets may be indirect and anonymous.  Thus `this phrase`__ may also
+refer to the Targets_ section.
+__ Targets_
+Here's a `hyperlink reference without a target`_, which generates an
+Duplicate Target Names
+Duplicate names in section headers or other implicit targets will
+generate "info" (level-1) system messages.  Duplicate names in
+explicit targets will generate "warning" (level-2) system messages.
+Duplicate Target Names
+Since there are two "Duplicate Target Names" section headers, we
+cannot uniquely refer to either of them by name.  If we try to (like
+this: `Duplicate Target Names`_), an error is generated.
+.. contents:: :local:
+These are just a sample of the many reStructuredText Directives.  For
+others, please see
+Document Parts
+An example of the "contents" directive can be seen above this section
+(a local, untitled table of contents_) and at the beginning of the
+document (a document-wide `table of contents`_).
+An image directive (also clickable -- a hyperlink reference):
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/title.png
+   :class: class1 class2
+   :target: directives_
+Image with multiple IDs:
+.. _image target 1:
+.. _image target 2:
+.. _image target 3:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/title.png
+A centered image:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :align: center
+A left-aligned image:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :align: left
+A right-aligned image:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :align: right
+A figure directive:
+.. figure:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :figclass: figclass1 figclass2
+   :class: class1 class2
+   :alt: reStructuredText, the markup syntax
+   :align: right
+   :width: 50
+   A figure is an image with a caption and/or a legend:
+   +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+   | re         | Revised, revisited, based on 're' module.     |
+   +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+   | Structured | Structure-enhanced text, structuredtext.      |
+   +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+   | Text       | Well it is, isn't it?                         |
+   +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+   This paragraph is also part of the legend.
+.. figure:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :figclass: figclass1 figclass2
+   :class: class1 class2
+   :alt: reStructuredText, the markup syntax
+   :align: left
+   :width: 50
+   A left-aligned figure.
+   This is the legend.
+This paragraph might flow around the figure...
+A centered figure:
+.. figure:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :align: center
+   :width: 50
+   This is the caption.
+   This is the legend.
+   The legend may consist of several paragraphs.
+This paragraph might flow around the figure...
+A left-aligned figure:
+.. figure:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :align: left
+   :width: 50
+   This is the caption.
+   This is the legend.
+   The legend may consist of several paragraphs.
+This paragraph might flow around the figure...
+Now widths:
+An image 2 em wide:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :width: 2 em
+An image 2 em wide and 30 pixel high:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :width: 2em
+   :height: 30 px
+An image occupying 70% of the line width:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :width: 70%
+An image 3 cm high:
+.. image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+   :height: 3 cm
+.. Attention:: Directives at large.
+.. Caution::
+   Don't take any wooden nickels.
+.. DANGER:: Mad scientist at work!
+.. Error:: Does not compute.
+.. Hint:: It's bigger than a bread box.
+.. Important::
+   - Wash behind your ears.
+   - Clean up your room.
+   - Call your mother.
+   - Back up your data.
+.. Note:: This is a note.
+.. Tip:: 15% if the service is good.
+.. WARNING:: Strong prose may provoke extreme mental exertion.
+   Reader discretion is strongly advised.
+.. admonition:: And, by the way...
+   You can make up your own admonition too.
+   .. _Docutils:
+Topics, Sidebars, and Rubrics
+.. sidebar:: Sidebar Title
+   :subtitle: Optional Subtitle
+   This is a sidebar.  It is for text outside the flow of the main
+   text.  
+   .. rubric:: This is a rubric inside a sidebar
+   Sidebars often appears beside the main text with a border and
+   background color.
+.. topic:: Topic Title
+   This is a topic.
+.. rubric:: This is a rubric
+Target Footnotes
+.. target-notes::
+Replacement Text
+I recommend you try |Python|_.
+.. |Python| replace:: Python, *the* best language around
+Compound Paragraph
+.. compound::
+   :class: some-class
+   Compound 1, paragraph 1.
+   Compound 1, paragraph 2.
+   * Compound 1, list item one.
+   * Compound 1, list item two.
+Another compound statement:
+.. compound::
+   Compound 2, a literal block::
+       Compound 2, literal.
+   Compound 2, this is a test.
+.. compound::
+   Compound 3, only consisting of one paragraph.
+.. compound::
+   ::
+       Compound 4.
+       This one starts with a literal block.
+   Compound 4, a paragraph.
+Now something *really* perverted -- a nested compound block.  This is
+just to test that it works at all; the results don't have to be
+.. compound::
+   Compound 5, block 1 (a paragraph).
+   .. compound::
+      Compound 6, block 2 in compound 5.
+      Compound 6, another paragraph.
+   Compound 5, block 3 (a paragraph).
+.. compound::
+   Compound 7, with a table inside:
+   +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
+   | Left cell, first   | Middle cell,       | Right cell.        |
+   | paragraph.         | consisting of      |                    |
+   |                    | exactly one        | Paragraph 2.       |
+   | Left cell, second  | paragraph.         |                    |
+   | paragraph.         |                    | Paragraph 3.       |
+   +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
+   Compound 7, a paragraph after the table.
+   Compound 7, another paragraph.
+Parsed Literal Blocks
+.. parsed-literal::
+   This is a parsed literal block.
+       This line is indented.  The next line is blank.
+   Inline markup is supported, e.g. *emphasis*, **strong**, ``literal
+   text``, footnotes [1]_, _`targets`, and `references
+   <>`_.
+Substitution Definitions
+An inline image (|example|) example:
+.. |EXAMPLE| image:: ../../../docs/user/rst/images/biohazard.png
+(Substitution definitions are not visible in the HTML source.)
+Here's one:
+.. Comments begin with two dots and a space. Anything may
+   follow, except for the syntax of footnotes, hyperlink
+   targets, directives, or substitution definitions.
+   Double-dashes -- "--" -- must be escaped somehow in HTML output.
+   Comments may contain non-ASCII characters: ä ö ü æ ø å
+(View the HTML source to see the comment.)
+Raw text
+This does not necessarily look nice, because there may be missing white space.
+It's just there to freeze the behavior.
+.. raw:: html latex
+   A test.
+.. raw:: html latex
+   Second test.
+.. class:: myclass
+.. raw:: html latex
+   Another test with myclass set.
+.. role:: raw-role(raw)
+   :format: html latex
+   :class: myrawroleclass
+This is the :raw-role:`fourth test` with myrawroleclass set.
+.. raw:: html
+   Fifth test in HTML.<br />Line two.
+.. raw:: latex
+   Fifth test in LaTeX.\\Line two.
+.. container:: custom
+   paragraph 1
+   paragraph 2

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/standard.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_colspan.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_colspan.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_colspan.txt [iso-8859-1] 
Thu Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+Colspanning tables
+This table has a cell spanning two columns:
+=====  =====  ======
+   Inputs     Output
+------------  ------
+  A      B    A or B
+=====  =====  ======
+False  False  False
+True   False  True
+False  True   True
+True   True   True
+=====  =====  ======

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_colspan.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_complex.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_complex.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_complex.txt [iso-8859-1] 
Thu Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+Complex tables
+Here's a complex table, which should test all features.
+| Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3 | Header 4 |
+| (header rows optional) |            |          |          |
+| body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3 | column 4 |
+| body row 2             | Cells may span columns.          |
+| body row 3             | Cells may  | - Table cells       |
++------------------------+ span rows. | - contain           |
+| body row 4             |            | - body elements.    |
+|                        | Paragraph. |                     |
+| body row 5             | Cells may also be     |          |
+|                        | empty: ``-->``        |          |

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_complex.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_rowspan.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_rowspan.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_rowspan.txt [iso-8859-1] 
Thu Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+Rowspanning tables
+Here's a table with cells spanning several rows:
+| Header row, column 1   | Header 2   | Header 3         |
+| (header rows optional) |            |                  |
+| body row 1, column 1   | column 2   | column 3         |
+| body row 2             | Cells may  | Another          |
++------------------------+ span rows. | rowspanning      |
+| body row 3             |            | cell.            |

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/table_rowspan.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/unicode.txt
--- experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/unicode.txt (added)
+++ experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/unicode.txt [iso-8859-1] Thu 
Feb 14 13:54:09 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+Various non-ASCII characters
+= ===================================
+© copyright sign
+® registered sign
+« left pointing guillemet
+» right pointing guillemet
+– en-dash
+— em-dash
+‘ single turned comma quotation mark 
+’ single comma quotation mark 
+‚ low single comma quotation mark 
+“ double turned comma quotation mark 
+” double comma quotation mark 
+„ low double comma quotation mark 
+† dagger
+‡ double dagger
+… ellipsis
+™ trade mark sign
+⇔ left-right double arrow
+= ===================================
+The following line should not be wrapped, because it uses
+non-breakable spaces:
+X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Propchange: experimental/Document/tests/files/rst/input/unicode.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

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