Garrett Wollman wrote:
<<On Fri, 02 Jan 2009 15:07:55 -0800, Doug Barton <> said:

Garrett Wollman wrote:
It would be much better if the options that *nearly every user will
want to use* are set correctly by default.

1. Past experience indicates that your average _developer_ is not very
good at estimating what the average _user_ will want as the default.

Speaking as a user, far more than a developer these days, what
mergemaster does by default is not what I want.  I have about half a
dozen FreeBSD systems in various states of "production", and they get
upgraded about once a year, if that, and always run the security

4. I have said literally from day 1 that mergemaster should not ever
change a file on a user's system without them taking an affirmative
step for it to do so. Whether you agree with that idea or not, it is
an expectation that I do not want to mess with.

Does anyone else have that expectation, or do they think of it as an
annoying quirk of the program and wish the author would make it be
more helpful by default?  Is there any evidence that the current
default behavior is the Right Thing for the typical user?  (Serious
question.  Maybe it solves some problem that's not the one that I
have; I haven't done a survey.)

I 'm always pissed off that I have to type 'i' so many times.

I'd like to get a list "I'd like to replace all these.. edit it this list and remove any you do not want me to remplace"..

basically I just want to do /etc/passwd and a few friends, group, hosts manually on my development machines. I want everything else
to be updated... yet after a couple of months if I run mergemaster,
I spend 10 minutes hitting i  i  i  q  i  i  i  i  i  q  i  q  i

(the q is for less or more or whaterver the pager is)

alternatively a "leave the following files alone when in auto mode"
option would do for me.


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