On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 07:19:26PM -0700, Steve Kargl wrote:
> Ed gave a month or more headsup that a new TTY layer was coming.  He
> enumerated the drivers that were broken and actively solicited people
> with the affected hardware for help.  He furthermore helped those
> people fix as many driver as possible before committing the new TTY
> layer.  As part of portmgr, you know Ed also actively fixed many ports
> broken by the new TTY layer and/or helped others fix the ports before
> the new layer became standard.

Yes, and I would like to thank Ed for this and hold him up as a model
for how things ought to be done.  My own approach is to do that rather
than be critical.

> If you and others take off your rose colored glasses, you'll see
> that the USB2 transition could have been handled better.

I already agreed that it could have been, so you're just putting words
in my mouth at this point.

Given the amount of work Andrew put in on this, I don't really feel
like kicking him around.  All that would do is demotivate the next
person who picks up a rather large and thankless task.

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