On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, Xin LI wrote:

Sean C. Farley wrote:
On Sat, 14 Mar 2009, Norikatsu Shigemura wrote:
On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 13:36:07 -0500 (CDT) "Sean C. Farley" <s...@freebsd.org> 
functionality, however, the Citrus website is ambiguous about the license.

    Really? > ambigous
    Citrus is licensed under BSD License or variant (like
    Perl or MIT).  It can use with (L)GPL.

    WWW: http://citrus.bsdclub.org/

OK. Technically, the website is not ambiguous. It is the license that is ambiguous. :) At least, they claim it is:

    The license is still ambiguous at this point, but it will be either
    a BSD Style License or use perl's model. In addition, "the license
    must allow for BSD/MIT/(L)GPL uses of the code". This allows the
    possibility that it will be picked up by X or glib. However, it is
    only a "possibility". To be honest, so far there is not schedule to
    do port to glibc strictly. The X Consortium may be interested in
    iconv for its X-TT or Unicode support.

    A person offering code for this project must agree to it being
    distributed with this license condition. In addition, copyright of
    this project is added to the source code. Of course the original
    copyright is left in place as well.

IANAL but the code already included in NetBSD says. for example:

*snip BSD license*

So my understanding is that, at least these code are released under a 2-clause BSD code and we are supposed to be able to use these code under such license?

If that is the case, then that is great. I was only going by what the website said about the source.

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