On Mon, Jun 01, 2009, Ken Smith wrote:
> It was noted we're close to running out of numbers we can use before we
> hit code freeze and the branch for the release.  Since we're entering
> code slush at the end of today in theory all changes that would warrant
> a bump in __FreeBSD_version are supposed to be done.  But it wouldn't
> surprise me if we have one or two or so things that come along between
> now and when we hit code freeze and the branch.  So we need to be a bit
> conservative with this.  Please be sure to coordinate anything that
> might require a bump in __FreeBSD_version with re@ from now on.  If it
> turns out things do come along that require bumps we'll need to "batch
> them up" having one bump represent several changes.

To avoid this sort of problem in the future, how about adding a
digit to __FreeBSD_version in 9-CURRENT?  Admittedly, a lot of the
bumps in 8.X were probably unnecessary, but it's good that people
are being cautious and documenting their incompatible changes.

Better yet, we could automate the process somewhat and use
something like the major version of FreeBSD concatenated with the
SVN revision in lieu of __FreeBSD_version.
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