On Sat, 25 Feb 2017, Konstantin Belousov wrote:

On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 02:17:23PM +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
On Fri, 24 Feb 2017, Konstantin Belousov wrote:

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 06:33:43AM +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
On Wed, 22 Feb 2017, Konstantin Belousov wrote:

 More fixes for regression in r313898 on i386.
 Use long long constants where needed.

The long long abomination is never needed, and is always a style bug.
I never saw any explanation behind this claim.  Esp. the first part
of it, WRT 'never needed'.

I hope I wrote enough about this in log messages when I cleaned up the
long longs 20 years ago :-).

long long was a hack to work around intmax_t not existing and long being
unexpandable in practice because it was used in ABIs.  It should have gone
away when intmax_t was standardized.  Unfortunately, long long was
standardised too.
It does not make a sense even more.  long long is native compiler type,

It is only native since C99 broke C under pressure from misimplementatations
with long long.  In unbroken C, long is the longest type, and lots of code
depended on this (the main correct main was casting integers to long for
printing, and the main incorrect use was using long for almost everything
while assuming that int is 16 or 32 bits and not using typedefs much).
Correct implementations used an extended integer type (extended integer
types were also nonstandard before C99, and making them longer than long
also breaks C).

4.4BSD used quad_t and required it to be not actually a quad int, but
precisely 64 bits, and used long excessively (for example, pid_t was
long on all arches).  This is essentially the long long mistake, with
long long spelled better as quad_t, combined with similar mistakes
from a previous generation where int was 16 bits.  Long was used
excessively as a simple way to get integers with at least 32 bits,
although BSD never supported systems with int smaller than 32 bits
AFAIK, and 4.4BSD certainly didn't support such systems.  But BSD
broke the type of at least pid_t by sprinkling longs.  In FreeBSD-1
from Net/2, pid_t was short.  BSD wanted to expand PID_MAX from 30000,
and did this wrong by expanding pid_t from short to long, just in time
for this to be wrong in practice since 64-bit systems were becoming
available so that long could easily be longer than int.

(Net)BSD for alpha wasn't burdened with ABIs requiring long to be 32
bits, so it made long 64 bits and didn't need long long (except even
plain long should be actually long, so it should be twice as wide as
a register and thus 128 bits on alpha).  NetBSD cleaned up the
sprinkling of longs at much the same time that 4.4BSD-Lite1 sprinkled
them, to avoid getting silly sizes like 64 bits for pid_t and related
compatibilityroblems.  I think NetBSD actually never imported 4.4BSD-
Lite1, but later merged Lite1 or Lite2 and kept its typedefs instead
of clobbering them with the long sprinkling.  FreeBSD was handicapped
by the USL lawsuit.  It had to import Lite1.  It only fixed the long
sprinkling much later by merging Lite2.  I think Lite2 got got the
better types from NetBSD.  This is summarised in the FreeBSD commit
log using essentially "Splat!" :-(.

while anything_t is a typename to provide MI fixed type.  long long was
obviosvly choosen to extend types without requiring new keyword.

Abusing a standard keyword doesn't do much except ensure a syntax error
if code with the extended type is compiler with a compiler that doesn't
support the extension.  BSD's quad_t is in the application namespace.
__quad_t would be better.

The errors are now being repeated with extensions to 128-bit integers.
At least they are being spelled better as __int128_t instead of long
long long or full doubling (long long long long = 128 bits).  C doesn't
alllow __int128_t even as an extended type unless intmax_t is at least
128 bits.  Compatibility, ABI and bloat problems prevent enlarging
intmax_t from 64 bits to 128 bits on LP64 systems just like they prevented
the misimplementations enlarging long from 32 bits on LP32 and L32P64

It is "never needed" since anything that can be done with it can be done
better using intmax_t or intN_t or int_fastN_T or int_leastN_t.  Except,
there is no suffix for explicit intmax_t constants, so you would have to
write such constants using INTMAX_C() or better a cast to intmax_t if
the constant is not needed in a cpp expression.
If you replace long long with int there, the same logical structure of
sentences will hold.  Does it mean that 'int' is abomination since we
have int32_t which allows everything to be done better ?

No, since correct uses of int are possible.  int32_t allows almost
everything to be done worse.  It should only be used in software and
hardware ABIs (like pid_t and network software packet layouts in
software, and memory-mapped device registers and network hardware
packet layouts in hardware).  Using it asks precisely 32 bits 2's
complement with no padding bits at any cost.  Using it is unportable,
but in practice the implementation has to emulate it if it is not a
natural type for the CPU.  There aren't many CPUs like that any more.
Ones with native 1's complement and no native support for 2's complement
used to be more common.  The original alpha didn't have 8-bit loads and
stores; I don't know if it had 32-bit ones.  Emulation just takes time
for software, but for memory-mapped device registers it takes hardware
support to avoid side effects from wider loads and stores.  Hardware
tends to have this automatically -- even on i386, it is common to map
8-bit registers to 32-bit words in PCI space, and if 8-bit accesses are
impossible then the hardware needs to be more careful with address
selection to avoid using the 24 top bits in each word.

Typedefs are hard to use, but unavoidable when an API specifies them.
Then a constant ABI may also make the typedefs inefficient in space
and time.

To avoid the space/time efficiencies, int_least32_t and int_fast32_t
should be used instead of int32_t.  These are also hard to use, and
almost never used in practice.  It is easier to hard-code int32_t
and assume that this is efficient in space and time.

But it is more correct to use plain int (except for ABIs).  In plain
C and in POSIX before ~2007, plain int is essentially a convenient
spelling of int_fast16_t.  POSIX changed this in ~2007 to require
32-bit ints, so int is now a convenient spelling of int_fast32_t,
just like it has always been in BSD.

I just noticed some complications the non 2's complement cases.  C
and POSIX still support 1's complement and this weakens the fast
and least types.  E.g., INT32_MIN is -2**32, but this is not
representable using 32 bits except in the 2's complement case, and
C doesn't require int_fast32_t or int_least32_t to be able to
represent it.  This makes the signed fast and least types difficult to
use correctly.  Code like the following is invalid:

        struct sc {
                int_least32_t least_reg_image;
        int_fast32_t fast_reg_image;
        int32_t reg_image;
        reg_image = bus_space_read_4(bst, bsh, off);    /* not quite correct */
        fast_reg_image = reg_image;     /* copy it for time efficiency */
        fast_reg_image = adjust(fast_reg_image);
        sc.least_reg_image = fast_reg_image;    /* pack it for space effic. */

because the space and time conversions, and the adjustment using the fast
type might clobber the INT32_MIN bit except in the 2's complement case.

Of course, code accessing device registers would use unsigned types and
automatically avoid the problem.  It was already an error to convert the
uint32_t returned by bus_space_read_4() to int32_t, although this
conversion would not clobber the INT32_MIN since int32_t is 2's complement.

POSIX code can now simply use int or u_int if it just needs 32 bits.
Similarly for portable code that just needs 16 bits.  int is the only
type which is easy to use, so it should be used if possible.  It is
supposed to be as space/time efficient as possible, subject to the
constraint that it is 16 or 32 bits.  The fast and least types only
give one of these at a time and are harder to use since their rank is
opaque so you have to know too much about them to know if other types
promote to them of if they promote to int or long, etc.  Even unsigned
and long are not so easy to use.  Unsigned must sometimes be used to
get 2's complement behaviour or extra range, but using it gives sign
extension problems.  long is too long for general use, and the promotion
rules to it doesn't occur automatically like it does for int.  long long
is even less usable than long.

I don't like using explicit long constants either.  Here the number of bits
in the register is fixed by the hardware at 64.  The number of bits in a
long on amd64 and a long on i386 is only fixed by ABI because the ABI is
broken for historical reasons.
I really cannot make any sense of this statement.

To know that the ULL suffix is correct for 64-bit types, you have to now
that long longs are 64 bits on all arches supported by the code.  Then
to use this suffix, you have to hard-code this knowledge.  Then to read
the code, the reader has to translate back to 64 bits.  The translations
were easier 1 arch at a time.
And why it is bad ?  Same is true for int and long, which are often used
in MD code to provide specific word size.  In fact, there is not much for
a programmer to know: we and any other UNIX supports either ILP32 or LP64
for the given architecture.

I used basic types intentionally in i386 headers -- always use [u_]char,
[u_short and [u_]int or perhaps a vm type like vm_offset_t and never
[u_]intN_t.  This doesn't work so well for longs or long longs.  I supported
i386 with correctly sized longs -- twice as long as a register.  This
gave I32L64P32.

Merging the x86 headers churned many of the shorter type declarations
for [u_]intN_t, but had to be more careful with longs because these differ
between amd64 and i386, and more careful with long longs because although
these don't differ in size, long long is unnatural on amd64 so tends to
cause warnings.  In general, it is unclear if a fixed-width type is used
because it is related to the word size, an API or an ABI.  u_int might
mean precisely 32 bits.  u_long might mean the word size; it is easier to
write, but is broken for i386 with correctly-sized longs, so I removed
most uses of it for the word size.  unsigned long might mean precisely
64 bits, but is harder to write than uint64_t except in literal suffixes,
and has a logical type mismatch on amd64, so is rarely use.

Casting to uint64_t is clearer, but doesn't
work in cpp expressions.  In cpp expressions, use UINT64_C().  Almost no
one knows about it uses this.  There are 5 examples of using it in /sys
(3 in arm64 pte.h, 1 in powerpc pte.h, and 1 in mips xlr_machdep.c,
where the use is unnecessary but interesting: it is ~UINT64_C(0).  We
used to have squillions of magic ~0's for the rman max limit.  This was
spelled ~0U, ~0UL and perhaps even plain ~0.  Plain ~0 worked best except
on unsupported 1's complement machines, since it normally gets sign extended
to as many bits as necessary.  Now this is spelled RM_MAX_END, which is
implemented non-magically using a cast: (~(rman_res_t)0).  Grepping for
~0[uU] in dev/* shows only 1 obvious unconverted place.
This clearly demonstrates why ULL/UL notation is superior to UINT64_C() or
any other obfuscation.

RM_MAX_END is an unobfuscation.

Unconditional use of ULL just asks for future unportabilities and
compiler warnings now.  On amd64, long long is never needed since it is
no longer than long, and compilers could reasonably complain about uses
when they can't see that its use has no effect or when they are generating
portability warnings.

The MTRR_* macros are in x86/specialreg.h, and are spelled without ULL
suffixes.  I prefer the latter, but seem to rememeber bugs elsewhere
caused by using expressions like ~FOO where FOO happens to be small.
Actually the problems are mostly when FOO happens to be between
INT_MAX+1U and UINT_MAX.  When FOO is small and has no suffix, e.g.,
if it is 0, then its type is int and ~FOO has type int and sign-extends
to 64 bits if necessary.  But if FOO is say 0x80000000, it has type u_int
so ~FOO doesn't sign-extend.  (Decimal constants without a suffix never
have an unsigned type and the hex constant here lets me write this number
and automatically give it an unsigned type.  Normally this type is best.)

Explicit type suffixes mainly hide these problems.  If FOO is 0x80000000ULL,
then it has the correct type for ~FOO to work in expressions where everything
has type unsigned long long, but in other expressions a cast might still
be needed.
Yes, yet another (and most useful) reason to use ULL and ignore a FUD about it.

amd64 doesn't even have such expressions.  The other terms will be mostly
uint64_t = plain u_long.  Mixing with ULL promotes everything to unsigned
long long.  Everything works because the arch is LP64 and also bogusly LL64,
but this is harder to understand than code using the 64-bit types throughout,
that is, using ~(uint64_t)FOO.

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