Ian Lepore wrote:
> On Mon, 2018-02-19 at 22:29 +0000, Kyle Evans wrote:
> > 
> > +???????????????????????-- Swap the first two menu entries
> > +???????????????????????menu_entries[1], menu_entries[2] = menu_entries[2],
> > +?????????????????????????? menu_entries[1];
> > ?
> IMO, this is the sort of unreadable insanity that comes from having
> inflexible rules about line-wrapping which trump readability. ?The
> original code could be easily understood. ?The suggested replacement,?
>     menu_entries[1], menu_entries[2] =
>     ? ? menu_entries[2], menu_entries[1]
> Was also pretty readable, although not as much as it would be if it
> were all on one line. ?But splitting the line at the whitespace nearest
> to 80 columns just creates an unreadable mess for the insignificant
> virtue of following some arbitrary rule. ?(Which is why I very often
> ignore that rule and split lines at the point < 80 which makes the most
> sense for understanding the code, even if that means splitting at
> column 30.)


Other possibilities are:

 - moving code to a helper function often removes extra indentation
 - shorter identifiers (e.g. as a side effect of moving code to a helper

                local function swap_1_2(t) t[1], t[2] = t[2], t[1] end



                local function swap(t, i, j) t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] end

                swap(menu_entries, 1, 2)
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