On 11/13/18 7:10 AM, Kevin Bowling wrote:
ppc64 will be the next arch after amd64 to get modern graphics
(https://github.com/POWER9BSD/freebsd/commits/projects/lkpi) but we
like the tier-2 status for now and will replay changes from amd64
GENERIC once I'm able to test.

FWIW evdev is the standard with libinput for X11 under Linux.  It's
useful for modern trackpads and has no downsides for traditional
keyboards and mice under X11.  It's also a requisite for Wayland.  So
I am happy to see this change, thanks Niclas!.

This is great!
Let me and the rest of the graphics team know if we can help in any way.
I have no problem enabling evdev support in ppc64 (or any other arches) if it's tested at least a little. The only reason I only enabled it for i386 and amd64 is that those are the platforms I have available myself.
Niclas Zeising
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