On Mon, May 27, 2019 at 07:21:24AM -0700, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> ...
> We as a project look bad by not having this minimal set of code
> reviews in place for things that are coming from a source that is
> frought with introducing bad change.

We do *not* look bad because none of those warnings and errors suggested
by (any) static analysis tools were ever passed without all the due checks
by either the original committer, the last committer who touched the files,
or opening a PR in less straight-forward cases.

I have several potential issues in my queue from the last run which I might
submit for the further analysis (via email or PR), but for now since I've
published the full log (very noisy), let's see if it gets any traction on
its own.  Some people had contacted me off-the-list and expressed their
interest.  I'll revisit it in a few weeks to see if nagging developers and
opening PRs is still needed, or the bugs are being voluntarily squished by
responsible (and having proper domain-knowledge) parties.

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