On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 02:29:03PM +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
> >> 3) errno should be EOVERFLOW, see other owerflow checks in the stdio.
> There are none.  I (we?) intentionally didn't set errno when the correct

F.e. see fseek()/fseeko() stdio checks, as POSIX says:

[EOVERFLOW] For fseek(), the resulting file offset would be a value which 
cannot be represented correctly in an object of type long.
[EOVERFLOW] For fseeko(), the resulting file offset would be a value 
which cannot be represented correctly in an object of type off_t.

Moreover, POSIX tends to introduce EOVERFLOW now in many places like 
old system calls too, see read()/pread():

[EOVERFLOW] The file is a regular file, nbyte is greater than 0, the 
starting position is before the end-of-file, and the starting position is 
greater than or equal to the offset maximum established in the open file 
description associated with fildes.

(IEEE P1003.1 Draft 5.1 Issue 7 quoted in both cases)

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