On 14 Jan 2010, at 20:01, Doug Barton wrote:

> FWIW, I actually think this makes it worse, not better. The
> INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE option should include everything needed to recreate
> the kernel. If it doesn't, it's worse than worthless, it leads to a
> false sense of security which makes it dangerous. I wasn't actually
> aware that if you do the config -C trick that you'll get ONLY the one
> file, not everything.

(...more irritated words stripped like the comments in a config file...)

I agree. I see two kinds of users:

- Desktop/server users who want their system to work without any special tuning 
or magic, and likely feel the comments they put in configuration files are 
- Users who care a about a few hundred bytes of comments due to the nature of 
their special embedded hardware target environment

As such, I see a reasonable "default" -- i.e., i386/amd64 GENERIC -- be to 
fully preserve the configuration and its comments. For the embedded and 
appliance crowds, I definitely want them to be able to fully exclude the 
configuration (by not including the option). I don't see a lot of merit to 
supporting stripping the comments, but if someone wants that special case, I'm 
OK with supporting it, but I think it's an unuseful default for the 
desktop/server platforms.

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