[Pruning CC list and re-adding freebsd-arch on the (forlorn) hope that
this thread will move to where it belongs]

On 2010-Sep-23 07:31:13 -0700, Matthew Jacob <m...@feral.com> wrote:
>It turns out that the big issue here was more the savecore time coming 
>back up rather than the time of dumping.

In my experience, the problem isn't so much the savecore time as the
time to run /usr/bin/crashinfo.  Whilst savecore needs to run early
(before anything tramples on the crashdump in swap), the latter could
run at any time.  It would seem reasonable to either run crashinfo in
the background or as a batchjob triggered by /etc/rc.d/savecore.

On 2010-Sep-23 18:59:53 +0100, Gavin Atkinson <ga...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>I appreciate the issue about filling partitions is a valid one.  Would a 
>possible compromise be that on release media, crashinfo(8) or similar will 
>default to only keeping the most recent coredump or similar?  Given /var 
>now defaults to 4GB, Defaulting to keeping a single core is probably 

savecore already has support for a 'minfree' file to prevent
crashdumps filling the crashdir.  Maybe the default install should
include a minfree set to (say) 512MB.

Peter Jeremy

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