On 10/15/2012 1:44 PM, Ian Lepore wrote:
It appears to, which I don't think is a bad thing at all.  But the way
it waits is to wake up, do some work, and go back to sleep for an
integer 1 second.  That will occasionally lead to a second in which no
wakeup happens, as the "do some work" part always takes some fraction of
a second.

Right, I will look into it.

I believe the reason why we cannot "sleep until the next event" is that time can go back and forth in the meantime (e.g. ntpd / ntpdate), so that amount you think you can sleep can change while you are already sleeping. It should not be that hard to change it to wake up every 60 seconds if there is no per-second activity planned.

Also I think some more logic necessary to ignore seconds in comparison, unless it's "every x seconds" job. Otherwise we might loose job set up for 00:00:00 by waking up say 00:00:00:01, not at 00:00:00:00 due to paging, network latency (e.g. running off nfs), etc.

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