On Sat, 4 Oct 2014, Bruce Evans wrote:

On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Garrett Cooper wrote:
? as filtering out these errors would handle the case that -f should handle according to the manpage:

    -f      Attempt to remove the files without prompting for confirmation,
            regardless of the file's permissions.  If the file does not
            exist, do not display a diagnostic message or modify the exit
status to reflect an error. The -f option overrides any previous
            -i options.

I didn't realize theat the man page was that broken.  It doesn't even mention
the main effect of -f -- to ignore errors for nonexistent files.  This is
discussed in the COMPATIBILITY section, with quite bad wording:

Oops, I missed the second sentence in the above.

%      The rm utility differs from historical implementations in that the -f
% option only masks attempts to remove non-existent files instead of mask- % ing a large variety of errors. The -v option is non-standard and its use
%      in scripts is not recommended.

"masks attempts to remove" is strange wording.  rm doesn't attempt to
remove nonexistent files; it attempts to remove existent files ...

The code doesn't do anything like that.  It is close to POSIX, and just
tries to remove existent files and then ignores the ENOENT error for
nonexistent files iff -f.

I misread this too.  There are only minor wording problems.

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