On Sun, 25 Jan 2015, Slawa Olhovchenkov wrote:

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 04:56:24PM +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:

Negative ids have historical abuses in places like mountd.  mountd still
hard-codes -2 and -2 for the default uid and gid of an unprivileged user.
It at least casts these values to uid_t and gid_t before using them.
This gives the ids the non-random values of UINT32_MAX-1 if uid_t and
gid_t are uint32_t.  (If uid_t and gid_t were signed, then it would
leave the values as negative, so invalid.)  These magic values may work
better than when ids were 16 bits, since there is less risk of them
conflicting with a normal id.  However, the non-conflict is probably
a bug.  FreeBSD uses the magic ids of 65534 for user nobody: group
nobody.  These would have been (id_t)-2 with 16-bit ids.  They no
longer match, so ls displays (id_t)-2 numerically.  FreeBSD also has
a group nogroup = 65553 that doesn't match the nfs usage.  However2,
in FreeBSD-1 wher ids were 16-bits, nobody was 32767 and nogroup was
32766. so they didn't match nfs for other reasons.  The 2 non-groups
now seem to be just a bug -- FreeBSD-1 didn't have group nobody.
4.4BSD-Lite2 has the same values as FreeBSD-1.

This is not full true for ZFS case.
On ZFS nobody is 2^32-2.

File systems don't get to decide this.  zfs actually uses 2^16-2.  It
claims to use the standard POSIX id for the user nobody, but there are
no such thing in POSIX (except (*id_t)-1 means "no value" for some
syscalls) so it must not be used otherwise).  zfs actually uses the
FreeBSD values UID_NOBODY and GID_NOBODY, so it is at least consistent
with the default /etc/passwd and /etc/group, unlike nfs.  I added the
hard-coded UID_* and GID_* as quick fixes for devfs in 1996, since
parsing the password database to get them in the correct way is too
hard.  This hack is still used today :-(.  Except, I didn't add the
NOBODY ids.  These are not used by any file system.  They are hacks
for devfs alone, mislayered into a devfs (device-specific) header.
The sysadmin can easily break all these hard-coded values by editing
the password database, but shouldn't.

Googling "POSIX uid nobody" finds no early POSIX hits, but some warnings
that the magic ids are non-POSIX.  Wikipedia gives the following magic
  0: normally the superuser.  This is probably still hard-coded in many
     places in FreeBSD, though many places were fixed in the conversion
     from suser() to priv_check().
  (uid_t)-1: POSIX standard for omitted arg
  -2: historical nobody
  32767: another historical nobody, still used by OpenBSD
  65534: another nobody, now used by many Linux distributions for
         compatibilty betwen 16-bit and 32-bit ids.  Default Linux
         return value for the id returned by 16-bit syscalls when
         the value is too large.  [Linux switched to 32-bit ids much
         later than FreeBSD, so it has to be more careful with
         compatibility.  The Linux emulator in FreeBSD is both
         incompatible and insecure here -- it doesn't return 65534,
         but truncates using blind assignment.]
  99: statically allocate 0-99 for system use and use the last value
      in the range for nobody.

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