On 2015-02-06 22:23, Garrett Cooper wrote:
On Feb 6, 2015, at 18:38, James Gritton <ja...@freebsd.org> wrote:
On 2015-02-06 19:23, Garrett Cooper wrote:
I think you broke the Jenkins tests runs, and potentially jail support
in some edgecases:

Where do I go from here? There error you refer to certainly seems jail-related, which leads me to guess at something disconnected between the matching rc.d/jail and jail(8) change (i.e. using the new rc file with the old jail program). But that's really just a wild guess. Is there somewhere I look for more information? For example, where does Jenkins actually do its thing?

Sorry for being so stupid in this - Jenkins has only been on the very edge of my awareness until now.

I honestly don’t think it’s Jenkins because Jenkins runs in bhyve. I
think you accidentally broke option handling in the jail configuration
(please see my other reply about added “break;” statements).


You can verify your changes by doing:

% (cd /usr/tests/bin/pkill; sudo kyua test)

After some testing and looking around, I've decided the problem definitely isn't in rc.d where I thought it might be. I've also decided it's probably not in my patch either.

I've run this kyua test on a 10 system (don't have current handy for such things at the moment), and sometimes I would see a failure and sometimes I wouldn't. This was whether I was using the new or old jail code. Later in the day, when the box was less loaded, it seemed to always pass. Looking at the pkill-j_test script, I see jails being created with sleep commands both inside and outside the jail around its creation. I'm guessing this script is very sensitive to timing issues that could be cause by (among other things) system load. The jail commands in this script were also very simple, with the only parameters used being: path, name, ip4.addr, and command. This isn't some kind of esoteric exercising of the jail(8) options, and I would expect if it works at one time it would work at another. I've "hand-run" these particular jail commands and couldn't get them to fail (and the actual content of the jail(8) changes were tests already).

I looked at the freebsd-current (I think) list where the Jenkins errors are posted, and it's true it started failing the pkill-j test at the time I made my change. But it's also true that it had failed that test once the day before my change, and then started passing it again. This particular test just seems to be fragile.

So I don't have anywhere else to go with this. I'm going to assume jail(8) isn't the problem here.

- Jamie
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