On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 02:51:23PM -0500, David Schultz wrote:
> You can actually just call getline() rather than reinventing the
> wheel.  

See just committed version. I use getline(3) (POSIX one).

> I've had a wide character version of getline() ready to
> commit for some time (I just need to find the time to do it), so
> you won't need to call mbstowcs() as a separate step.

It does not help, since wide version will fail on EILSEQ with sync lost,
as getwc() does. Initially I was thinking about ftell+fseek back, but not 
all files are seekable.

BTW, I plan to made similar changes to comm(1) too, it suffer from the 
same EILSEQ problem.

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