Just to be clear, I never meant any disrespect to Ana personally, and if anything I said was or could have been construed that way, for that I definitely do apologize.

On 8/23/2010 12:00 AM, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 12:32:33AM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
Doug, you're being a grade-A asshole in this entire discussion.  The
merits of your argument are being completely overshadowed by your
patronizing attitude and over the top straw-man extremism.  Ana deserves
an apology from you, and you would do well to consider apologizing to
everyone involved.

Guys, I think you all are being too hard on Doug.

Not only might you be the first FreeBSD person to ever say that, you're definitely the first to say it publicly. :)

I really liked your quote, and you are correct in thinking that I do care deeply about this issue specifically, and the issue of making FreeBSD better generally. However neither my motivations, nor the extent to which I felt ill-treated by some in this thread excuse my over-the-top behavior, and for that I also apologize.



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