On 26 Jan 2011, at 18:29, m...@freebsd.org wrote:

>> I suppose an important question is now often we see this actually failing
> I don't believe we've ever seen a memory failure relating to sysctls
> at Isilon and we've been using the equivalent of this code for a few
> years.  Our machines aren't low memory but they are under memory
> pressure sometimes.

The kinds of cases I worry about are things like the tcp connection monitoring 
sysctls. Most systems have a dozen, hundred, or a thousand connections. Some 
have half a million or a million. If we switched to requiring wiring every page 
needed to store that list, it would do terrible things to the system. So really 
what I have in mind is: either we handle cases like that well, or we put in a 
clear warning and have obvious failure modes to catch the cases where it didn't 
work out. In practice, I think we would not want to switch the tcpcb/inpcb 
sysctl for this reason, but as people say "ah, this is convenient" we need to 
make sure it's handled well, and easy to debug problems when they do arise.

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