On 25/04/2011, at 6:55, Warner Losh wrote:
>> The best way is to change to use GPT IDs (/dev/gptid/xxx) if you are on a 
>> GPT system) or UFS IDs (/dev/ufsid/xxx) if you can't.
> I've been running with ufs labels for a couple of years now, since the first 
> rumblings of this hit the streets.  They work great no matter what the 
> underlying partitioning scheme.  The one drawback is that if you have 
> multiple disks with the same labels, then the first one wins.  Normally not a 
> problem, but when you have it, you need to ensure the right one is selected.  
> I avoid this problem by prefixing a hostname to the label...

This is why I prefer IDs since they are nominally unique (UFS ones, GPTs damn 
well better be :)

Although I concede it is rather annoying to work out which is which, or type 
them out manually..

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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