On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 09:00:07PM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> Dimitry Andric <d...@freebsd.org> wrote
>   in <50892486.9030...@freebsd.org>:
> di> On 2012-10-25 10:37, Brian Somers wrote:
> di> ...
> di> > URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/242074
> di> >
> di> > Log:
> di> >    Enable "accept_rtadvd" on interfaces running rtadvd.
> di> ...
> di> > +       for iface in ${command_args}; do
> di> > +               ifconfig ${iface} inet6 -accept_rtadv
> di> > +       done
> di>
> di> The commit message says it enables accept_rtadv, the code actually
> di> disables it.  Which is correct?  I assume the latter?

Yes, the message should have read "Enable sending router advertisments".
Sorry, the exact opposite came out - the naming does my head in :-/

>  Enabling accept_rtadv should prevent rtadvd from sending RAs on the
>  interface, so disabling it is a necessary step if one wants to send
>  RAs.
>  However, accept_rtadv is off by default in the current rc.d
>  framework.  Why forcibly disabling it is needed?

After upgrading from 8-STABLE to 9-STABLE on Monday, IPv6 routing
advertisments were broken.  Disabling accept (enabling send) appeared
to be necessary to get things up and running.

As you say, net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv is set to zero (off, meaning
that we *can* send advertisments), so I don't now what the issue
is.  Irrespective of this, I think it's useful to explicitly set
the interface to be able to send advertisments when running rtadvd
- just in case the sysctl is set to 1 elsewhere.

Doing an "ifconfig <interface> inet6 accept_rtadv" after boot doesn't
seem to disable sending advertisments, so I'm finding it difficult
to test this remotely...  testing is awkward when I'm not at home
as this machine is also suffering from the "can't reboot" issue!!

I'll look into why the sysctl doesn't seem to behave as expected
when I get home this evening.

Brian Somers                                          <br...@awfulhak.org>
Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !               <br...@freebsd.org>
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