On Nov 8, 2012, at 1:13 AM, Alfred Perlstein wrote:

> Peter,
> I agree.
> It's certainly not perfect, however it's not nearly as bogus as what was 
> there previously.
> I know "maxusers" is "wrong", however what it really means, if you think 
> about it, is "give me a scaling factor that is relative to physical ram, BUT 
> capped at some value so as to not exhaust KVA." Yes, I grok that on certain 
> architectures that mbufs clusters aren't pulled from KVA, but, that seems 
> much less important than how broken it is currently....
> This fix is "good enough" for the general case, and a far greater improvement 
> than what was there previously which would make FreeBSD blow chunks on any 
> sort of 10gigE load.
> I think what needs to happen here, is that the people requiring perfection 
> think about what mess it was prior and if they themselves do not have time to 
> make it 100% perfect, allowing someone to step in and move something
> a step in the right direction without overly complicating it.
> What is there is crap, it's old, crufty and broken, it really is. It needs to 
> be fixed, it needs to be given a nice fat band-aid now, and when someone 
> interested in perfection comes along, then they can make it even more awesome.
> I am not saying that my fix is PERFECT or the be all and end all, however it 
> serves as a good step in the right direction on our tier 1 platforms and is 
> easily modifiable (just replace "VM_MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS - 
> VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS" with some form of MD magic sauce.)  Would you like me 
> to do that?  Replace the hardline calculation with some constant that each 
> platform can configure?
> I'm thinking this might suffice to make purists a bit more happy:
> #if defined(i386) || defined(amd64)
> #else
> #define MAX_KERNEL_ADDRESS_SPACE  (1024*1024*1024)

Only 1GB for KVA on 64-bit platforms too...?

> #endif
> Given my algorithm this should result in pretty much the same for other 
> platforms than amd64 which will then be able to grow maxusers some.
> I'm basically running out of time on this and I'm worried that I'll have to 
> back it out indefinitely so that FreeBSD can't do 10gigE out of the box.

I agree with the philosophy being taken. Perfection shouldn't be the enemy of 
the good as long as it gets close enough that things are more useful than they 
are today.

Thanks for championing this Alfred. The less voodoo required for FreeBSD to 
function on commodity hardware, the better!

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