[pruning the CC list]
On 2012-Dec-15 21:52:03 +0100, Pawel Jakub Dawidek <p...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 04:02:58PM -0800, Navdeep Parhar wrote:
>> A KASSERT() really is for a condition that should never happen.

and can't be practically recovered from.

>I have sort of mixed feelings about this change, but in reality we have
>three cases:
>1. Fatal conditions that shouldn't happen, but may happen for some
>   reason and we definiately want to stop running (corrupted file system
>   metadata that can mess up the file system more badly). For those we have
>   direct panic(9) calls.
>2. Fatal conditions that cannot happen and for those we have KASSERT(9).

I don't see the difference between these two cases.  In both of them,
the system has entered a state that the designer/programmer didn't
envisage and can't recover from.  The best option is to abort as
quickly to minimise further corruption.

>3. Non-fatal conditions that cannot happen, which we have no way to
>   report more gracefully and we do it through KASSERT(9).

"Cannot" needs to be quoted here because you can't hit them unless they
actually do happen.

4. Unexpected conditions that should be non-fatal but no-one has
   written the code to recover so someone has included a KASSERT(9) as
   a place-holder.

I suspect a lot of the heat in this discussion is associated with
points 3 & 4 - unexpected conditions that the code can't cope with.

>It is annoying to run INVARIANTS kernel and trigger 3. I had this
>problem few times, for example in TCP/IP stack. It turned out to be
>non-fatal and KASSERT(9) was there to understand the code better.
>I'd much prefer to see it logged than to panic my box. Of course it is
>also sometimes hard to judge if it is fatal or not.
>I use plenty of assertions in my code to catch bugs early, but
>assertions like any other part of the code might have bugs and during
>rapid development they help a lot when the code around is changing a lot
>and some earlier assumptions are no longer valid. Many of those
>assertions are non-fatal.

IMHO, having lots of assertions (ala design-by-contract) can make it
easier to understand a function's interfaces.  Of course, if there
are errors in the interface conditions, you can wind up with spurious

>For me this problem is pretty complex, because:
>1. It would be nice to have a macro to test non-fatal conditions,

This should be fairly trivial to implement - test the specified
condition and if it's false print out a rate-limited message and

> but it
>   is hard to tell sometimes if it is fatal or not.

As a rule of thumb, if the code can't handle the condition not being
met then it's fatal - this includes my point 4 above.  If the code can
recover (which may require it to take drastic action like aborting a
process or closing a socket) then it's not fatal.  OTOH, IMHO, not
holding an expected lock _is_ fatal, even if there's no immediately
obvious downside to just continuing.

>3. Logging non-fatal "assertions" might make them go unnoticed, but we
>   currently don't enable kernel dumps by default, so when panic occurs
>   user has no idea what has happend, especially if he is in X. Logging
>   would give better chance to actually notice the problem currently.

Rebooting does mean that we restore the system to a sane state, even
if we don't record the previous state.

>In my opinion we should do the following:
>1. Leave the option to make KASSERTs non-fatal, but log big fat warning
>   that this is development feature and should not be used in production.

I disagree with this but not strongly enough to say it should be
backed out.  IMHO, an active KASSERT() should be fatal.

>2. Introduce handy macro that would log the problem, but won't panic the
>   box for non-fatal conditions, just like we do with LORs.


>3. Enable kernel dumps by default. The main obstacle to do that was lack
>   of a way to limit number of kernel dumps, which could lead to filling
>   /var/ after hitting some panic/reboot cycle.

I agree that it's reasonable to enable crashdumps by default.  Note that
/var/crash/minfree is supposed to stop /var filling up.

>My contribution to solve this is implementation of 3:
>       http://people.freebsd.org/~pjd/patches/savecore.patch

Adding a "maxdumps" parameter seems a good idea.  The behaviour when
it hits the limit is less clear - throwing away the latest crashdump
is probably as easy to justify as throwing away the oldest one.

A further downside to enabling crashdumps is the time overhead -
initially writing the dump, copying it to /var/crash and running
crashinfo.  This all directly increases the length of the outage.

Peter Jeremy

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