I recently tried some experiments to reduce the number of mbuf and
cluster allocations in a 40G NIC driver.  M_NOFREE and EXT_EXTREF proved
very useful and the code changes to the kernel were minimal.  See
user/np/cxl_tuning.  The experiment was quite successful and I was
planning to bring in most of those changes to HEAD.  I was hoping to get
some runtime mileage on the approach in general before tweaking the
ctors/dtors for jumpbo, jumbo9, jumbo16 to allow for an mbuf+refcnt
within the cluster.  But now M_NOFREE has vanished without a warning...

I also had a virtualization work-in-progress where static mbufs were allocated in the kernel and M_NOFREE set.

 Might be worth sending a prior heads-up for these type of changes.


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