Author: dteske
Date: Thu Nov  7 10:28:12 2013
New Revision: 257784

  Add an f_eval_catch() function for debugging individual commands in a
  series of commands. Accepts the `-d' flag as a first argument to skip
  displaying messages in a dialog box. The command is logged as it
  appears to the shell prior to the first pass of parameter expansion to
  allow copy/pasting into a real shell (opposed to simply echo'ing the
  command which would produce debug output that has undergone at least one
  pass of parameter expansion, thus no-longer copacetic for copy/paste).
  Takes printf(1) style syntax and a utility identifier for error messages.


Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/common.subr
--- head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/common.subr   Thu Nov  7 10:23:37 2013        
+++ head/usr.sbin/bsdconfig/share/common.subr   Thu Nov  7 10:28:12 2013        
@@ -777,6 +777,88 @@ f_mounted()
        mount | grep -Eq " on $dir \([^)]+\)$"
+# f_eval_catch [-d] $funcname $utility $format [$arguments ...]
+# Silently evaluate a command in a sub-shell and test for error. If debugging
+# is enabled a copy of the command and its output is sent to debug (either
+# stdout or file depending on environment). If an error occurs, output of the
+# command is displayed in a dialog(1) msgbox using the [above] f_show_err()
+# function (unless optional `-d' flag is the first argument, then no dialog).
+# The $funcname argument is sent to debugging while the $utility argument is
+# used in the title of the dialog box. The command that is sent to debugging
+# along with $funcname is the product of the printf(1) syntax produced by
+# $format with optional $arguments.
+# Example 1:
+#      debug=1
+#      f_eval_catch myfunc cat 'contents=$( cat "%s" )' /some/file
+#      # Error displayed ``cat: /some/file: No such file or directory''
+#      Produces the following debug output:
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: cat "/some/file"
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: retval=1 <output below>
+#              cat: /some/file: No such file or directory
+# Example 2:
+#      debug=1
+#      f_eval_catch myfunc echo 'echo "%s"' "Hello, World!"
+#      # No error displayed
+#      Produces the following debug output:
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: echo "Hello, World!"
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: retval=0 <output below>
+#              Hello, World!
+# Example 3:
+#      debug=1
+#      echo 123 | f_eval_catch myfunc rev rev
+#      # No error displayed
+#      Produces the following debug output:
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: rev
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: retval=0 <output below>
+#              321
+# Example 4:
+#      debug=1
+#      f_eval_catch myfunc true true
+#      # No error displayed
+#      Produces the following debug output:
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: true
+#              DEBUG: myfunc: retval=0 <no output>
+       local no_dialog=
+       [ "$1" = "-d" ] && no_dialog=1 && shift 1
+       local funcname="$1" utility="$2"; shift 2
+       local cmd output retval
+       cmd=$( printf -- "$@" )
+       f_dprintf "%s: %s" "$funcname" "$cmd" # Log command *before* eval
+       output=$( exec 2>&1; eval "$cmd" )
+       retval=$?
+       if [ "$output" ]; then
+               f_dprintf "%s: retval=%i <output below>\n%s" "$funcname" \
+                         $retval "$output"
+       else
+               f_dprintf "%s: retval=%i <no output>" "$funcname" $retval
+       fi
+       ! [ "$no_dialog" -o "$nonInteractive" -o $retval -eq $SUCCESS ] &&
+               msg_error="${msg_error:-Error}${utility:+: $utility}" \
+                       f_show_err "%s" "$output"
+               # NB: f_show_err will handle NULL output appropriately
+       return $retval
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