Author: avg
Date: Sat May  5 05:22:11 2018
New Revision: 333269

  amdsbwd: fix reboot status reporting
  Originally, I overlooked that PMIO register 0xc0 has a dual personality.
  It can either be S5/Reset Status register or Misc. Fix register (aka
  debug status register).  The mode is controlled by bit 2 in PMIO
  register 0xc4.  Apparently there are register programming requirements
  for the second personality, so many BIOSes leave the register, after
  programming it, in that mode.  So, we need to switch the register to the
  correct mode.
  Additionally, AMDSB8_WD_RST_STS was defined incorrectly as bit 13 while
  it is actually bit 25 (and the register's width is 32 bits, not 16).
  With this change I see the following in dmesg after a reset by the
  amdsbwd0: ResetStatus = 0x42000000
  amdsbwd0: Previous Reset was caused by Watchdog
  MFC after:    2 weeks


Modified: head/sys/dev/amdsbwd/amd_chipset.h
--- head/sys/dev/amdsbwd/amd_chipset.h  Sat May  5 05:19:32 2018        
+++ head/sys/dev/amdsbwd/amd_chipset.h  Sat May  5 05:22:11 2018        
@@ -95,9 +95,10 @@
 #define                AMDSB8_WDT_32KHZ        0x00
 #define                AMDSB8_WDT_1HZ          0x03
 #define                AMDSB8_WDT_RES_MASK     0x03
-#define        AMDSB8_PM_RESET_STATUS0         0xc0
-#define        AMDSB8_PM_RESET_STATUS1         0xc1
-#define                AMDSB8_WD_RST_STS       0x20
+#define        AMDSB8_PM_RESET_STATUS          0xc0    /* 32 bit wide */
+#define                AMDSB8_WD_RST_STS       0x2000000
+#define        AMDSB8_PM_RESET_CTRL            0xc4
+#define                AMDSB8_RST_STS_DIS      0x04
  * Newer FCH registers in the PMIO space.

Modified: head/sys/dev/amdsbwd/amdsbwd.c
--- head/sys/dev/amdsbwd/amdsbwd.c      Sat May  5 05:19:32 2018        
+++ head/sys/dev/amdsbwd/amdsbwd.c      Sat May  5 05:22:11 2018        
@@ -321,16 +321,23 @@ amdsbwd_probe_sb7xx(device_t dev, struct resource *pmr
 static void
 amdsbwd_probe_sb8xx(device_t dev, struct resource *pmres, uint32_t *addr)
-       uint8_t val;
-       int     i;
+       uint32_t        val;
+       int             i;
        /* Report cause of previous reset for user's convenience. */
-       val = pmio_read(pmres, AMDSB8_PM_RESET_STATUS0);
+       val = pmio_read(pmres, AMDSB8_PM_RESET_CTRL);
+       if ((val & AMDSB8_RST_STS_DIS) != 0) {
+               val &= ~AMDSB8_RST_STS_DIS;
+               pmio_write(pmres, AMDSB8_PM_RESET_CTRL, val);
+       }
+       val = 0;
+       for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
+               val <<= 8;
+               val |= pmio_read(pmres, AMDSB8_PM_RESET_STATUS + i);
+       }
        if (val != 0)
-               amdsbwd_verbose_printf(dev, "ResetStatus0 = %#04x\n", val);
-       val = pmio_read(pmres, AMDSB8_PM_RESET_STATUS1);
-       if (val != 0)
-               amdsbwd_verbose_printf(dev, "ResetStatus1 = %#04x\n", val);
+               amdsbwd_verbose_printf(dev, "ResetStatus = 0x%08x\n", val);
        if ((val & AMDSB8_WD_RST_STS) != 0)
                device_printf(dev, "Previous Reset was caused by Watchdog\n");
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