On Sun, 2/12/17, lange.kay via Swagger <swagger-swaggersocket@googlegroups.com> 

 Subject: Re: Adding an image into the definition description
 To: swagger-swaggersocket@googlegroups.com
 Date: Sunday, February 12, 2017, 8:55 AM
 On Sun, 2/12/17, caldercarey via Swagger 
  Subject: Re: Adding an image into the definition
  To: swagger-swaggersocket@googlegroups.com
  Date: Sunday, February 12, 2017, 2:19 AM
  On Sun, 2/12/17, tony tam <feh...@gmail.com>
   Subject: Re: Adding an image into the definition
   To: swagger-swaggersocket@googlegroups.com
   Date: Sunday, February 12, 2017, 1:03 AM
   I believe
   you can use markdown syntax for images.
   On Feb 11, 2017, at 7:54 AM, Sander
   Smith <smit...@sericontech.com>
   I've just started
   using Swagger with Swagger UI and it's terrific. I
   realized that my API will be a lot easier to
 understand if
   can also show a little diagram along with the API
   thought that the right place to put this would be in
   the @SwaggerDefinition in the @Info section under
   description section. I did find that I could use some
   tags here (I was successful in putting in <br>
   new lines), but when I put in an <img> tag, no
   showed up.
   Did I
   do something wrong? What is the acceptable way to add
   image into the description of my API?
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 sporit mult  de asemenea  volumul
 schimburilor  ceea ce a dus la nsolidarea pietei
 interne  proces mult usurat de progresele in industrie
 si msporturi. Balanta de plati a tarii a inregistrat pana
 catre sfarsitul secolului al X-lea importante deficite.
 Principalele produse de export erau cerealele 
 vitele  odusele forestiere  petrolul  pieile.
 Se constata insa  dupa anul 1900  o versificare a
 produselor de schimb  dar si o largire a ariei
 geografice a Jrtenerilor potentiali. in 1913  Romania
 era al patrulea exportator de grau in me dupa Rusia 
 Canada si S.U.A. Pana la 1914  Austro-Ungana a
 fost  alaturi
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radicali prilejul de a manifesta -prin presa si in intruniri politice - 
simpatia profunda si recunostinta neconditionata fata de Napoleon al lII  care 
contribuise in mod hotarator la crearea cadrului international favorabil 
edificarii statului national roman  in acest context  aceasta grupare politica 
dar si unii liberali-moderati  condusi de N. lonescu sau M. Kogalniceanu  s-au 
pronuntat si asupra problemelor de politica interna. Mai mult  intr-un discurs 
public  I.C. Bratianu a invitat multimea la o actiune contra puterii executive. 
O data cu guvernul prezidat de Manolache Costache Epureanu era vizat si 
domnitorul. Pregatirile au fost incredintate unui conspirator din ultimii ani 
ai domniei lui Alexandru I. Cuza  Eugen u Carada. Planul intocmit de acesta 
prevedea izbucnirea unei insurectii simultane in Bucuresti  Craiova  Ploiesti 
si Focsani.

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