
Again thanks.  Let me explain what I'm doing and what my immediate and 
subsequent goals are.

We have a fairly large collection of APIs and endpoints in JAX-RS.    These 
are all in one fairly large and somewhat monolithic project.   The project, 
having been around for awhile, uses Ant (without Ivy) rather than Maven.

We are trying to produce a number of client SDKs that provider wrappers for 
the REST services.   As we don't know what platforms our partners/customers 
will ask for, we are hoping to use swagger-codegen to "easy" the generation 
of such wrappers for any new platforms we have to support.

My immediate goals are:

   - Generate a Swagger Specification from the code
   - Use Swagger Codegen to generate skeletal wrapper templates for one or 
   two platforms
   - Merely "have something to show" in the way of API documentation.    At 
   this point, it need NOT have much detail other than what is available via 
   the JAX-RS annotations.   

A key point here is that this first stage is merely a "demonstration" or 
POC.   Another key point is that we want to minimize the "pain" of having 
to manually update many client SDKs (and documentation) whenever the core 
REST API is changed.    

Now the longterm goals are:

   - Fully annotates the endpoints (beyond merely what JAX-RS provides) 
   with Swagger annotations
   - Generate a Swagger Specification from that as part of the build
   - And generate from that:
      - Those same skelete templates (perhaps for multiple client platforms)
      - Excellent API documentation
   - And my hope is that we would not have to check what most of what 
   Swagger-codegen generates but have additional code that connects the 
   wrappers to the actual API servers.    Having reviewed what Swagger-codegen 
   generates for Java, I see that the code is generated in a way such that the 
   templates and their implementations can be done in separate files (the 
   former generated by the built, the latter checked into source control)

Question:  Does this strike you as a feasible approach

The challenges I seem to be facing stem from the fact that I want to 
generate a specification file a) as part of the build and b) in a non-Maven 
project and thus I can't use the Maven plugin.    That's why I'm trying to 
use swagger-doclet.     

I'm greatly appreciative of your efforts to help me.



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