Hi, with the latest releases (Swagger 1.5.17, Swagger UI 3.6.0 and 
swagger-akka-http 0.11.2 in my case we use this integration with AkkaHTTP),
And configuring the swagger something like:

  securityDefinition = new SecurityDefinition(oAuth2Definitions =
    Array(new OAuth2Definition(
      key = "implicitFlow",
      flow = Flow.IMPLICIT,
      authorizationUrl = "..",
      tokenUrl = ".."))),

it works.

However, now, even if the controller methods are annotated with 

  value = "..,
  nickname = "..",
  httpMethod = "GET",..
  authorizations = Array(new Authorization(value="apiAuth", scopes = Array())))

the token is not sent as header (also don't see it in the chrome storage) (but 
i did see the accessToken being generated by the autz server and sent back to 
callback url).

On Monday, December 4, 2017 at 3:07:03 PM UTC+2, Nicolae Marasoiu wrote:
> Hi, I have a question: Swagger UI provides an integration with OAuth2 
> implicit flow so that Swagger UI can send an access token to the endpoints 
> and thus authorize the HTTPS requests it generates. I could not find the 
> manner in which to configure the URL of the authorization server.
> A few additional questions are:
> On which version of Swagger does the latest release of Swagger UI depends?
> A few questions in 
> https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/690#issuecomment-348012619
> Thank you very much,
> Nicu Marasoiu

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