On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 06:10:14PM -0400, Paul Wouters wrote:
> I think that kvmrunner.py runs final.sh on nic, while swantest does not.
> this gives different output, eg:
> http://testing.libreswan.org/results/testing/v3.22dr1-686-g38d57e5-master/certoe-09-packet-host-2/OUTPUT/nic.console.diff

thanks for spotting them. 

> I believe swantest is used still with the docker version of tests?

swantest can run on both.

> Is there any reason why swantest is not fixed up to also run final.sh on 
> nic?

I will take a look, I am not sure which version is producig the differenc.  
Once the tests are stable, it is easier to spot such differences and fix 
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