
I'd like to update the resolv.conf on my Debian 7 when a given connection goes up, and only this one. I use 3.9 with Klips. Currently I added the variables PLUTO_PEER_DNS_INFOand PLUTO_PEER_DOMAIN_INFO in /etc/default/pluto_updown. It works fine if I activate only the connection "A" over which I can contact the DNS server. But if I open another connection (say "B") instead of "A", which doesn't knows this DNS server, I don't want the resolv.conf to be updated. Also, if I open A then B, I get an error returned by _updown.klips, because the job is already done and in that case _updown returns a status 1. I patched it in order to get a status 0 in such a situation, but this is dirty ! Is there a clean method to do what I want ?

Thanks in advance.

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