"C.E. Forman" wrote:
> >That sounds like a re-release (the original was a folder, much like
> >Activision's Hacker folder, which in turn were copies of EA's folders).
> But I
> >still want it.  I'll email you a private bid.
> Alter Ego in a folder?  I've never heard of such a thing.  The only ones
> I've ever seen are square, flattish boxes (same length and width as the
> EA/Activision folders, but a bit thicker).  I've had aobut 5 of them come
> through the Shoppe in my time, and if they were repackagings they gave
> absolutely no indication of it.  Are you positive you've seen this in
> a folder, Jim?

I could be mistaken.  I still have the manual; it's definitely a folder-like
square manual like most EA folders.  If your boxes were square, then those must
be the real deal.
> Jim offerred $55, but if he really wants to let me have it I'll take it.
> I'm not going higher than $35 though, as I only need it for a PC copy of
> the code... assuming the disks work.  You're the seller, Lee, you decide
> who gets it.

I have the completely cracked PC code, if that's all you want...

In case people didn't realize, I have cracked versions of practically any PC
game.  And for those I don't have, I can crack them myself.  Just a note to
people who want to play their booters off a hard drive... :-)
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