Jim Leonard wrote:
>Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> Speaking of hating a game :) Jim, have you received my mail about
> Gate 2?

>Yes, and you bring up some valid points, although many of the games you
>(not Fallout) were "first" and could come up with new ideas. It's very
>for a game nowadays to come up with something new.

As I said, it's not impossible to come up with new ideas... Faery Tale
Adventures 2 (combat system), Diablo 2 (randomness and creation of items)
and Shattered Light (mud-like features) spring to mind

Not to mention Arcanum, the RPG where you can play either with the "magic"
side or the technological" side (fireball vs sniper rifle! summon demon vs
Tesla rod!)

>BTW:  I forwarded your message to some guys at work and now it's making
>rounds -- everyone who plays RPGs wants to read it!  :-)

I don't want to sound arrogant at all, but if all your colleagues haven't
ever played any pre-win95 RPG, they'll probably disagree with me completely

Which reminds me of another interesting topic... why so many computer games
players these days prefer graphics to everything else? We weren't like that
in the old days, were we? And I barely had any text adventure.

> Personally, I've played a bit of LGoP2. I still think I've seen worse
> adventures... King's Quest 8 anyone?

>Yes!  I agree -- I never finished it.  What's the point of playing --
>everyone's turned to stone!  There's nobody to talk to!  Flawed from the
>beginning.  A shame, really...

Ohhhh, but you should! I read the _ending_ looks very good! >:)

Pedro R. Quaresma
"All your base are belong to us"


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